Motorola’s launches for the year continue as the Lenovo-owned company has unveiled its latest high-end device, the Moto Z2 Force. The handset was highly-anticipated by most of Motorola fans who wanted to see what the successor to the well-received Moto Z Force would sport. The company revealed the new device at an event in New York on Tuesday, July 25 finally giving all the details regarding the Moto Z2 Force.
Specs of the smartphone
The new handset from Lenovo will feature a 5.5-inch Quad HD (2560 x 1440 pixels) AMOLED display, which will be powered by the latest octa core Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 SoC.
The display also features the ShatterShield protection, which is quite useful in case of accidental drops of the handset. The premium device comes with 4 GB of RAM in the United States. However, everywhere else, the handset will be available in 6 GB RAM options.
Internal memory accounts for 64 GB all across the world, while the Chinese models will get an increased storage capacity, most likely 128 GB. The latest smartphone also sports dual 12-megapixel cameras on the back, similar to other OEM devices. However, the sensors seem to be a downgrade when compared to the solo 21-megapixel lens offered on the Moto Z Force. The handset features a 5-megapixel front facing camera with dual LED flash, instead of just one flash as seen on the predecessor.
The smartphone will be running the latest Android 7.1.1 Nougat operating system out of the box and will likely receive an upgrade to the upcoming Android O OS once it hits the markets. However, this time around, Motorola has downgraded the battery capacity of its device from 3500mAh in the Z Force to 2,730 mAh on the Z2 Force.
The company said that this was done to ensure that the handset was thinner and less bulky than last time. The decision was also likely influenced by the fact that the handset is compatible with Moto Mods, and after attaching these mods, the device may become quite heavy.
Price and release date
The unlocked version of the Moto Z2 Force will cost $800, while a carrier locked model will cost around $720.
This is on par with the latest premium handsets on the market but is quite expensive nonetheless. The device will be up for sale from August 10 from the various carriers, Best Buy, and Motorola’s website. However, those interested can pre-order the handset now. The Moto Z2 Force will be available in three shades namely, Super Black, Fine Gold, and Lunar Grey. The last option will be exclusively available to T-Mobile customers.