Images of the upcoming Moto X4 have been leaked online. According to Android Police, the latest leak of the Moto X4 smartphone came from the Brazilian Agency of Telecommunications, Anatel. It showed several images of the handset from different angles. The photos also showed the back panel of the smartphone, suggesting the device might be equipped with a dual camera setup. It remains unclear as to how the tech company plans to utilize the cameras, but it could function like the ones on the Moto Z2 Force.
The selfie camera is located on the top of the smartphone’s front panel, while the home button sits on the lower bezel.
The home button of Moto X4 smartphone probably function as a fingerprint scanner. The handset would also feature a headphone jack and a USB Type-C port. The power and volume control buttons are positioned on the left side, while the SIM tray is on top.
The Moto X4 smartphone appears to have a glossy finish, but it still remains unclear what type of material has been used. It has been said that the smartphone might have a mix of metal and glass. However, if the back panel of the handset is made of glass, that could mean the device will feature a wireless charging capability.
According to reports, Motorola will be announcing its Moto X4 smartphone at an event in Brazil on August 24.
Device with Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 630 processor
According to The Verge, the next-generation Moto X device will come with a 5.2-inch full HD resolution display. The handset will be powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 630 system on chip (SoC). The smartphone will be available in Europe, North America and Latin America with 3GB of RAM and 32GB of built-in storage, while the 4GB of RAM and 64GB of storage model will be up for grabs in Asia Pacific region.
The device will further come packed with a 3,000mAh battery and would be available in two color options: Black and blue.
Smartphone pre-installed with Android 7.1.1 Nougat
Previous leak of the device, courtesy of the famous tipster Evan Blass, suggested that the camera in the mobile device will be integrated with an artificial intelligence (AI).
The Moto X4 smartphone is expected to have a IP68 rating for dust and water resistance. The mobile device runs on Android 7.1.1 Nougat out of the box. Furthermore, the smartphone would be equipped with Moto Voice, Moto Actions and Moto Display, which are featured across the range of Motorola handsets.