AMD earlier this year renewed it's Radeon Pro Duo graphics card. The new version equipped multiple changes. For example, it packed two individual 14nm Polaris GPUs with 2,304 stream processors. Furthermore, the card featured 128 texture units and 32 ROPs among other significant upgrades. In an interesting turn of events, the firm has lowered the performance as well as the price of Radeon Pro Duo cards.
Price of the GPU
After the changes, the card is now capable of delivering 11.45 teraflops of single-precision point performance. Previously, it was able to produce 17 teraflops of single-precision point performance.
The company claims that the latest update is going to equip the cards to deliver more power. The system is now designed to come into use for virtual reality (VR) content developers, 3D model makers, engineers as well as professional filmmakers. The original version was priced at around $999, the updated one will thus, be way cheaper.
Company's take on the GPU
The company is of the opinion that today’s professional requirement includes the use of a variety of new applications. General Manager of Professional Graphics at AMD, Ogi Brkic said that the workflow is increasing by the day and creators need something that will support their growing demand. The Radeon Pro Duo has been designed with that being kept in mind, he said.
The line-up will enable professionals to indulge in multitasking. He concluded by saying that the latest line-up is a continuation of their promise for Radeon Pro. The firm wants to be able to provide professionals with a greater option of choice. Technologies like Virtual Reality (VR) and others will now be supported well through the help of this.
Based on Radeon Pro WX 7100 cards-made for professional users
Like mentioned previously, the primary highlight of Pro Duo GPU is that it is based on two Radeon Pro WX 7100 cards. This makes it way faster regarding delivery performance. When compared to Pro WX 7100, AMD’s collection can deliver two times faster. On the storage front, the lineup comes packed with 32GB of GDDR5 memory.
It is also capable of supporting 8K content, making it perfect for VR-related work. The card is especially targeted towards professional users, such as those working in fields like aerospace, automotive, oil and gas or simulation industries. Given the price that it comes at, AMD’s lineup is pretty affordable.