More than a month after KeenLab security researcher Liang Chen presented three jailbroken iPhones running iOS 10.3.2 and iOS 11 (beta version) at the MOSEC 2017 event, the jailbreak tool he used has yet to be seen. Now, at DEF CON 25 Hacking Conference, another Apple device was subjected to jailbreaking -- the Apple Watch.

Apple Watch jailbroken

At the biggest and longest-running hacking conference in the world, hacker Max Bazaliy of the Apple Fried Team tickled the fantasies of the Jailbreak community after he presented something no one has ever seen before.

A jailbroken Apple Watch running watchOS 3.

While jailbreaking iPhone is definitely the most famous hackers' activity in recent years (not to mention the stepping stone for unknown hackers to instant stardom), this move by Bazaliy marked the first time an Apple Watch was jailbroken. And of course, no better place to show off than at DEF CON 25!

This latest development immediately brought curiosity to many Apple users. Yet for others, it also poses a lot of concern for which many issues may arise in the future.

Complete access to sensitive data

Bazaliy suggested that right after jailbreaking Apple Watch, almost all data can be accessed. This includes call records, health data, messages, emails, GPS location, Calendar entries, and photos among other things.

In addition, the users will have complete access and control to SSH; thus, the ability to modify the device's system files.

It is unclear whether Bazaliy will make it available to the public. But like the jailbreak tool for iOS 10.3.2, no one can deny its existence. And for this matter, some would like to voice out their concerns especially the way on how Apple Watch is jailbroken.

Access to Cydia, bricked device and more

The biggest risk when deciding whether to jailbreak or not is the risk of getting your device bricked. While in some cases, resetting your Apple Watch would do the trick, there are also failed instances in which case this will render your device unusable.

But in the case of a successful jailbreak, one sensible question is: How can users navigate (and possibly download) apps and themes from Cydia when you’re looking into the device’s small screen.

Surely, you cannot download apps and themes from Cydia, upload to iCloud or transfer via iTunes. This won't work unless jailbreaking Apple Watch allows you to connect a bigger screen!

Yet the biggest concern is security, which has been synonymous to jailbreak since its inception. There are non-alarming tweaks like changing tones and customizing the watch's face. And then there are tweaks designed to pose threats; it doesn't matter whether it's immediate or long-term. Know this, a jailbroken device is open to all possibilities including easy access via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.

The question is -- how hard would it be for an experienced hacker to plant a virus, a worm, or even a malware and use it to infect other Apple wearables or even iPhones, iPads and iPods? Remember this, while Apple has continuously made security progress, it cannot protect jailbroken devices.