WhatsApp, the world’s hottest instant messaging application, brought its latest version live. The said update have fixed some bugs and also brings more features that will make our lives more fun and easier, reports the UK Independent.


WhatsApp version 2.17.30 launched different filters. Users can now adjust the color, warmth, and tone of photos, videos, and even GIFs without using any other app.

There are five fantastic filters and these are the Film, Pop, B&W, Chrome, and Cool. You can now make your images and short video clips more appealing by swiping it on.

Album Feature

This awesome chat application is said to be useful for sharing files like photos. However, it is not as flawless as we think it is. Sources noted that one of the most irritating features of Whatsapp is when you send a series of images, it displays separately and will consume your entire screen. This makes you scroll up for you to be able to read the previous message.

With its latest update, the advanced chat technology offers a sleek solution.

This is called the album feature. When a sender shares five images or more, they’ll be grouped as an album. This will help you save effort and time not having to go back to the previous messages. If you wish to view the photo in full size, just tap the image.

Right swipe

The latest version’s features don’t stop there as there’s an easier way for iPhone users to reply to their messages. When you receive a message, you can respond to it immediately by swiping it to the right. This also applies in group chats; if a user wants to react to a specific group member’s message.


Some sources noted that there’s another feature that has been developed and materialized. This is the ability to delete a message that has been already sent.

It gives users a five-minute chance to remove any text, videos, photos and other files that this instant messenger supports.

It is being tagged as the recall or unsend. A fan site tested the latest version ahead of time and cited that the said feature is included. However, it is said to be a hidden feature or disabled by default.

These new, pleasant and advanced features of Whatsapp are exclusively available for iOS users for now. This version is now ready for download in App Store. For sure, Android users are expecting to have the app’s latest version very soon.

Meanwhile, this incredibly beautiful technology was allegedly used in the London Bridge terror attack. According to the Independent, an attacker wrote cryptic messages and posted a message on WhatsApp claiming that “with hardship, comes ease.” WhatsApp and other chat applications like Telegram are known for their strong encryption interface. Sources noted that because of this, authorities were left clueless about the terror attack.