iOS 11 has finally been announced by Apple, after a long anticipation. The giant tech company announced the update during the Worldwide Developer Conference, or the WWDC 2017 held in San Jose, California.

With this new iOS 11 update, as we and the tech enthusiasts expected, new features will come to the Apple devices. It includes redesigned and improved apps and the ability to transfer or send cash or money to your family and friends using the Apple Pay.

Indoor Mall & Airport Maps

The new iOS 11 update is indeed bringing plenty of improvements to the Apple devices, and one of the best things happen to this is the Indoor Map and Airport Maps. Maps app and the Google Map usually show only the outside streets and road, but with this new update, iOS users can now see the floor design of every mall and airports. This will help users to easily find stores and restaurants inside unfamiliar malls and airports.

Redesigned Apps

The iOS 11 brings a new look to the Messages app as the Apple redesign the app’s drawer feature. With this new look and design of the drawer, it is now easier to the users to share contents through the app.

Also, another changes the update brings to the Messages app, it will now sync across to the multiple devices, so, whatever you do to your iPhone, for example, will automatically appear to your iPad.

Not only the Messages app receives a refresh look, but also the system’s Control Center. The Control Center now looks like the Windows 8 2D block designs, but with a little difference like it’s rounded block edges. The new iOS 11 Control Center look now renders more useful control like to control volume, users can now push down or push up the Volume icon to adjust the device’s volume.

The App Store also affected by the iOS 11 update, now, users will notice small changes to the app store. At the bottom of the screen, you will see four different tabs segregating the apps available online; the “Today,” “Games,” “Apps,” “Update” and “Search.” It helps users to search the kind of apps they need.

Aside from the mentioned features above, the the iOS 11 update brings more improvements and updates. Although there are new features to the Apple devices, the new OS seems focused more on old apps improvements. Before the announcement on WWDC 2017, the new iOS 11 has been anticipated by the experts since the start of the year and Apple satisfied these enthusiasts as their announced this new OS.