Google has continually improved the overall functionality and quality of its online mobile app store with a slew of new rule changes and feature revamps. The Google Play Store was previously criticized for its cluttered layout and the proliferation of fake and low-quality apps. After having placed stricter guidelines on developers when submitting apps to the store, the company is now looking to provide a better experience for users by proving a new Editor-curated collections option.

New collections

Google has announced that it has now fully revamped its Editor’s choice recommendations within the Play Store, and put more emphasis on apps specifically chosen by its in-house editorial team. The new initiative, called “Android Excellence” will be giving apps that follow Google’s best practices a better chance of being downloaded by placing them within different collections of apps separated by their specific categories.

Best of the best

Apps that have a great design, excellent device optimization, localization, and overall performance will be handpicked by editors to appear as Editor’s Choice apps.

The themed collections will apparently be rotated on a quarterly basis, which means that apps that make it on the list will have a lot of exposure compared to those that do not make the cut. User reviews and editor reviews will be taken into consideration when selecting the apps to be included.

Specific categories

The Play Store is currently offering two specific categories, namely “Apps” and “Games.” The “Apps” category currently has seven sub-categories, namely the top five fitness apps, the top five photo editing apps, the best learning apps, the top five travel apps, the best music-making apps, the top five e-commerce apps, and finally, the top five budgeting apps.

As for the “Games” category, there are also seven themed collections available.

The collections include the best runner games, the top five RPG games, the top five racing games, the top five adventure games, the top five arcade games, the best simulation games, and finally, the top sports games on Android.

The revamped Editor’s Choice collection was released shortly after Apple announced some big changes to their own App Store. The changes will take effect once iOS 11 is released to the public. Similar to Google’s initiative, Apple’s changes will also focus on the manual curation of apps by internal editors.