Apple Airpods, which were released in December 2016, are Bluetooth earbuds from the company. Despite keeping consumers waiting for two months – owing to shipment delays – they have managed to garner positive feedback. According to a research carried out by Creative Strategies and Experian, the wireless Earphones owners are quite satisfied the accessory.

How satisfied are AirPods userS?

The study from Creative Strategies and Experian examined data collected from a survey of 942 people. The survey discovered that 98 percent of the AirPods users were highly satisfied with their wireless earphones. Nearly 82 percent shared that they were “very satisfied.” Roughly 16 percent owners were “satisfied.” The remaining 2 percent were neutral toward the accessory and were neither satisfied, nor displeased.

The survey also quizzed participants whether they would recommend the product to others. They were also asked to rate it on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being the least and ten being highest.

In this parameter, the AirPods scored 75, which means that a majority of people would love to recommend the product to other people.

What consumers say about the features

Owners of the accessory were also made to rate their satisfaction levels with the features. The results showed that 98 percent were satisfied with the AirPods’ quick charging capabilities. Roughly 97 percent participants were pleased with the design of the AirPods case, as it can also be used as a charger.

The product also scored high on comfort as 93 percent owners were happy as they didn’t slip from their ears. The battery support of the earphones also won brownie points from users as nearly 98 percent owners revealed that they were happy with the battery life.

Nearly 97 percent of those surveyed were pleased with the ability to use Bluetooth to pair the earbuds with their Apple smartphone.

AirPods have highest satisfaction level?

In 2015, the survey revealed that 92 percent owners of the iPhone were pleased with the handset. The Apple Watch and iPad garnered a satisfaction rate of 97 % and 95 %, respectively. This means that the wireless earphones from the company can be considered the most satisfactory product from Apple.

All those participated in the survey were made to pen a word describing their satisfaction with the wireless Bluetooth earphones. Most people used terms such as battery life, fit, love, sound quality, good sound, magic, or convenient to describe the product. The earphones from the company – as evidenced by the survey – are a winner and the supply shortages and delay in availability have not dampened their success.