Microsoft Surface Pro 5 has been the subject of numerous speculations recently. Rumors claimed that the upcoming device will run on Intel’s Kaby Lake Core i7. While some others suggest that it will use Qualcomm Snapdragon 635 Processor. It appears that almost everyone is waiting for the official announcement from the Redmond, Wash.-based tech giant.

Earlier in 2017, experts speculated about a possible launch of the Microsoft Surface Pro 5 at the MWC 2017. However, it turned out false because it was not seen during the February event. Now people think the major Windows 10 update will be released on April 11, and it is anticipated that the device will arrive within the same month.

AMD Ryzen Processor

The latest claim about Microsoft’s upcoming device is that it will run on Amd Ryzen. Although the majority of predictions are pointing to Intel Kaby Lake Core i7, this most recent claim is interesting. This was triggered by the latest trailer released for Alien: Covenant. The trailer appears to be showing the Surface device and comes with the description that AMD, Ryzen, and Radeon powered the intelligence.

Aside from the latest claim about AMD Ryzen on the device, another report suggested that it would have a detachable 4K resolution display. In addition, it is expected to sport Windows’ major update known as the Creator’s Update.

This device also might sport a new and improved Surface Pen.

The report stemmed from a leaked patent claiming that the latest pen will be rechargeable and that it would be possibly released as a companion of the surface device. It is said that the new Surface Pen will come with a rechargeable battery and charges wirelessly as soon as it is attached to the device magnetically.


PC adviser theorized that the upcoming device would be priced approximately in the range of the Surface Pro 4’s price. At present, the company is offering the Surface Pro 4 at a discounted price. Several companies, to clear out their old inventory and to prepare for the release of a newer model use this strategy.