“Anew: The Distant Light,” a brand new game from the creators of “Bioshock,” “Star Wars” and other biggies has finally reached its crowdfunding goal via Kickstarter. The campaign is in its final hours and is still pushing its first Stretch Goal that would make it possible for it to land on the Nintendo Switch console.
Indie studio Resonator – helmed by Jeff Spoonhower and Steve Copeland – kicked off the campaign last month with the initial goal of $30,000.
Albeit new, the studio’s heads are scene veterans and already have big games to boost off on their CVs. Among these are “Uncharted,” “Bioshock,” “Borderlands” and “Star Wars.”
600⁺ backers and counting
The crowdfunding effort is almost at its end, but the $30,000 initial goal has already been reached. As of this writing, $35,640 is already accumulated from 684 backers. According to its Kickstarter page, the Stretch Goal for “Anew: The Distant Light” includes an artifact room, boss rush, new boss, extra player weapon, extra vehicle, special zone, hardcore mode, speedrun features and best of all, a Nintendo Switch research.
This means that there is a huge possibility of the game be ported to Nintendo’s latest console.
“This is a commitment to full due diligence in planning for development of a Switch port,” Resonator wrote on its Kickstarter page. "We will analyze the hardware for technical constraints that we need to optimize around. Doing this early makes a Switch port much more likely and faster to arrive.”
Resonator to establish developer relationship with Nintendo
The devs have expressed their willingness to work with Nintendo in the same way they already have with PlayStation and Xbox. According to the team, the studio will be acquiring dev kits and will continue their efforts in encouraging platforms to open its doors for indie developers and will “aggressively pursue it regardless.”
“Anew: The Distant Light” is an open-world, action-exploration game that combines space exploration, puzzles, and battles. It slated for a July 2018 release on PS4, Xbox One and hopefully, Nintendo Switch.