Ten years ago, the late great Steve Jobs of #Apple presented “three new devices” to a world that was ready for them and simply didn’t know yet. Those three devices were actually just one with the function of three, was a fusion of what people of the day needed – a cellphone – and what people wanted – an iPod. But then they went the extra mile by adding the capability of a computer, in the palm of one’s hand. The resulting #iPhone became one of the so-called pillars of the 2000s generation of operating system-equipped “smartphones” along with the Android-using devices and the older BlackBerry series.
But Jobs had it right when he said that history would be made together that day and years after his passing, his creation has continued to live long and prosper, sort of.
Happy anniversary
As of January 9th, 2017, ten whole years have passed since the first iPhone model was unleashed, and at the latest about two-thirds of Apple’s total revenue is solely from sales of their revolutionary smartphone, which has been credited since as having dramatically changed the landscape of computing. It certainly has become the cash cow of its parent company, especially when it became possible to fully customize the load of applications, or apps, for one’s own iPhone with the advent of the ubiquitous App Store.
Needless to say, eager buyers of the iPhone only multiplied, ultimately seeing over a billion units across multiple generations sold.
It was exactly as market analyst Tim Bajarin foresaw since January 9, 2007 when he sat in on Steve Jobs’ presentation of the pioneer iPhone model. In his words, the Apple visionary’s brainchild at that time would become the biggest hit in pocket computers ever.
Current Apple CEO Tim Cook had a statement in the past regarding their product’s unique place in electronic device history: “iPhone set the standard for mobile computing in its first decade and we are just getting started."
Bumps on the road
The journey to a full iPhone decade was not all smooth sailing. The 2011 death of Steve Jobs was a loss in development power.
Apple was mired in a legal struggle with Korean manufacturer Samsung over the latter’s aping of the iPhone’s design. They also got into a tiff with the FBI when they refused to allow the Bureau access to a terrorist’s confiscated iPhone, prioritizing consumer privacy over even national security itself. Then Asia began churning out cheaper smartphones running on Android for a significant hit on Apple’s revenue.
Best yet to come
Still, Apple and its iPhone will continue getting up again despite being knocked down by circumstances once or twice. Come September this year they’ll be presenting the 10th-Anniversary iPhone to succeed to current iPhone 7, with their latest features catering to advances in augmented and virtual reality tech. Once more Apple’s pride and joy will soon be poised to be a blockbuster in the consumer electronics market. Happy Tenth Anniversary to Apple’s iPhone.