Watch Dogs 2 harbored a surprise for one game player who got early access to the game ahead of the release date. The Watch Dogs 2 game offered up a clear shot of female genitalia when the player attacked one of the female characters in the game. This popular game has since been released and is receiving raves from players who like what the rest of the game has to offer!
Private parts pop out
According to the BBC, the player known only by his first name Adam, paid the price for finding the frontal view of a woman's private parts. He was actually punished for bringing it to the attention of the public.
Sony sent him a message that he was suspended from his PlayStation account until November 21, 2016, according to Next Web.
User punished
Sony blocked him from the game after he took a picture of what he saw, thinking it was a funny oversight. He used the in-game camera to obtain the shot and he posted the picture of the vagina to a thread created for the early release of the Watch Dogs 2.
Accidental find
For those of you who play the game - Adam the unobstructed view of a woman's vagina was done by accident. He said that while his character was in a back alley with a gas pipe he accidentally blew up a few women characters. It was one of those women who became exposed in the aftermath of the explosion.
She was seen flat on her back on steps leading to a building with her private parts exposed.
According to Adam along with posting the photo in the early release thread he also shared it on Twitter for his family and friends to see, as he thought it was funny. According to Game Spot, he was banned from playing Watch Dog 2 for this reason.
Graphic view of woman's undercarriage to be removed
The vagina exposure will be removed from Watch Dogs 2, according to the makers of the game. Watch Dogs 2 carries the rating of a mature-rated game, with this female's private parts seen in full view, it might constitute another rating level. This would put more of a limit to the amount of players having access to the game.
The makers have opted to fix this so the game can stay with its original rating. Sony has issued an apology for the woman's vagina shot appearing, which was a mistake.
Post against policy?
The reason the player who found this mistake was banned from using the game was because he went against the user policy of posting screen shots of a mature rated subject. Besides a player getting a peak at a woman's undercarriage, the game is getting rave reviews. Fans of the game are posting about their favorite scenes and characters in the Watchdog 2 game, like the tweet below about the character Wrench.
Wrench from @watchdogsgame is one of the greatest characters of any video game, ever. #WatchDogs2
— Retr0 (@_Flashparodox_) November 16, 2016
Another Watch Dog 2 user liked the overall look of the game as seen on the tweet below.
This game is so good looking! #WatchDogs2 @watchdogsgame
— Yorkie Lad 🎮 (@YorkieLadPRO) November 16, 2016