Terminator: Dark Fate,” the latest installment of the sci-fi action film series created by James Cameron, has its first official trailer released by Paramount Pictures ahead of its premiere later this year. Fans of the franchise, who have unfavorably viewed later sequels past “Terminator: Judgment Day” in 1991, are anxious as they await the return of actress Linda Hamilton to the role of Sarah Connor in this movie, after over two decades.

Added with the repeat reprisal of Arnold Schwarzenegger as the titular Terminator since 2015’s “Terminator: Genesys,” and its plot being a new official direct sequel to “Judgment Day,” anticipation has reached fever pitch.

New 'Terminator' and old faces

The trailer for “Terminator: Dark Fate,” which Paramount Pictures debuted on May 23, starts off with an action sequence familiar to the film series’ followers. Again, a violent vehicular chase is showcased, with the pursued being followed by a relentless hunter. This is the new Terminator antagonist for “Dark Fate,” the Rev-9 as portrayed by Gabriel Luna of "Agents of SHIELD" fame. Rev-9 is another remix of design features from previous movie Terminators, with a metal endoskeleton (like the iconic title character) and an outer shell of liquid metal like the T-1000 from “Judgment Day.”

In his sights is a new target character, a teenaged girl named Dani Ramos (Natalia Reyes).

Dani in turn is protected by a tough-as-nails woman called Grace (Mackenzie Davis). Outwardly another Resistance soldier from the future, sent to protect Dani, she is also revealed to be part machine under her organic skin. They soon get help in trying to survive from an older Sarah Connor (Hamilton), who also recruits somebody that looks like a similarly aged-looking Terminator (Schwarzenegger) from “Genesys.”

'Terminator' creator James Cameron also returns

News of another “Terminator” movie from Paramount began percolating as far back as two years ago, with the first official images of what would be titled “Dark Fate” appearing by August 2018.

Linda Hamilton and Arnold Schwarzenegger aside, there was quite the international cast being assembled. New lead stars Mackenzie Davis and Natalia Reyes are from Canada and Columbia respectively. Further additions include Mexico’s Diego Boneta and Spain’s Enrique Arce.

Terminator: Dark Fate” also marks the return to active franchise participation by its creator James Cameron since “Judgment Day” where he co-wrote the story and screenplay on top of producing and directing the highly-regarded action epic.

This time around he is only producing and writing the story. But the promise of its closer connection to the second film in the series compared to “Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines” or the Fox spinoff series “The Sarah Connor Chronicles” is helping to build the hype. “Dark Fate” from Paramount Pictures will premiere on cinemas in November 1.