“Sonic the Hedgehog,” the surprise cinematic adaptation of the hit videogame franchise from Sega, was supposed to be released by Paramount Pictures this November alongside “Terminator: Dark Fate.” That plan was significantly wrecked following the release of the first “Sonic” trailer back in April.
The teaser was utterly reviled by the “Sonic” fandom due to the questionable character design for the anthropomorphic blue hedgehog, plus the head-scratching use of rap song “Gangsta’s Paradise” for backing music. In light of all the criticism headed its way, Paramount has decided to err on the side of caution by sending it back to post-production, effectively delaying its premiere.
‘Sonic’ director announces premiere postponement
Jeff Fowler, director of the “Sonic the Hedgehog” film from Paramount and Sega, first acknowledged the negative reception of the audience to their first trailer early in May. While he initially assured on social media that the studio is committed to making a great film in spite of the bad character design, by May 24 Fowler announced on Twitter that they were postponing the movie premiere to February next year.
Taking a little more time to make Sonic just right.#novfxartistswereharmedinthemakingofthismovie pic.twitter.com/gxhu9lhU76
— Jeff Fowler (@fowltown) May 24, 2019
“Taking a little more time to make Sonic just right,” wrote Fowler on his tweet announcement.
The neutral tone of the message must belie the hurried pace that Paramount Animation must be in to redesign the iconic videogame hedgehog’s live-action CGI incarnation with the added three months from the delay. To compare the movie "Sonic" with his familiar game design, fans have called out the lack of gloves in the cinematic version.
Also off-putting were the smaller eyes (compared to his game design) and prominent human-like teeth whenever Sonic opens his mouth.
Another possible motivator for Paramount’s delay of “Sonic the Hedgehog” to revamp his design is the unfavorable comparisons of movie audiences between Sonic and the titular character from another recently-released, game adaptation in Warner Bros.
and Nintendo’s “Pokémon: Detective Pikachu.”
Plot recap of first trailer
Paramount Pictures and Sega’s “Sonic the Hedgehog” stars Ben Schwarz ("Ducktales" remake on Disney Channel) as the voice of the titular super-fast hedgehog, and Jim Carrey as Sonic’s nemesis, the quirky but dangerous mad scientist Dr. Ivo Robotnik. The first trailer shows Sonic causing EMP havoc in the US with his super speed, spurring the military to sic Robotnik on him. Sonic in the meantime befriends Tom (James Marsden), sheriff of the Montana town of Green Hills (a cheeky reference to the original game’s first stage), explaining that he comes from another world in order to save Earth from Robotnik.
Schwarz also had his own two cents on the announcement of the delay for the “Sonic.” He noted that the artwork on Jeff Fowler’s Twitter post showing the new premiere date showed the hero hedgehog’s hand in a glove.
It could be an indicator of the path the CGI’s main character redesign could go. Paramount and Sega will release "Sonic" on Valentine’s: February 14, 2020.
And... is that a GLOVE I SEE?!?
— Ben Schwartz (@rejectedjokes) May 24, 2019