Every “Today” fan knows that Dylan Dreyer is one of the reasons why the morning broadcast is a bright spot for millions of viewers. The effervescent, All-American meteorologist and mom has been courageously open and honest in recent months about her struggle with secondary infertility, and only last week, opened her heart and her chronicle of childhood memories in her hometown in New Jersey. Dylan Dreyer doesn't hide her feelings when it comes to her family. She especially likes to show off precious moments of everyday life with her toddler, Calvin.
Veteran broadcaster and resident “Today” chef, Al Roker, is generally Dylan Dreyer's biggest fan, but he gave her some good-natured ribbing in the opening banter on May 27, when our recent poll cited that a substantial amount of Americans, about half, believe that a refreshing splash in the pool takes the place of a shower. Dylan Dreyer was among those aficionados. The doting mom said that as far back as she could remember, she didn't take a shower on the days she swam.
Al Roker and his fellow co-host, Craig Melvin, took great exception to the substitution. They were greatly relieved that Dylan Dreyer drew the line at any bodily function, especially bathroom-related, being done in the pool.
In a later segment, Dylan did a hands-on, all-in segment on pool safety with her son that any mother can emulate.
The simple steps are sure to become lasting memories of time together, and most certainly can be lifesaving.
Fear and a familiar environment
The full nine months of human gestation occur in a fully submerged, liquid environment. The mother’s amniotic fluid surrounds the child in constant protection, and her healthy organs help her growing child to handle many life functions until labor begins.
While being in water is natural for children, from the time of their first breath, they need air to survive, and simply have no strategies for safety in the pool unless they learn them. Their normal perceptions of invincibility can carry over to the water, allowing them to think jumping in cannot possibly be dangerous. The first step of pool safety in the early years is not to be in the water without a trusted parent or adult.
Dylan Dreyer was still a lovely ambassador for “Today” as she and Calvin stepped carefully into the pool. His mom explained that he had been part of lessons since he was 1 -year-old, but that still didn't make every aspect of learning a cinch. Time and gentle practice make perfect.
Their instructor was Jenny McCulston, a two-time Olympic trials qualifier. There may be specialized swim schools in the community or classes offered through a Parks and Recreation program. Programs are generally glad to share their instructors’ qualifications.
.@DylanDreyerNBC and son Calvin take a deep dive into swim safetyhttps://t.co/LvVUizIPg1
— 3rd Hour of TODAY (@3rdHourTODAY) May 27, 2019
Comfort and competence
Swim lessons can start for a child at six months, and comfort in the water for a toddler can begin with a simple game, such as “find the red ball.” Calvin's instructor was adamant in pointing out that the colorful balls that she used were not safety devices.
Calvin loved the forward motion of kicking and splashing but wasn't so fond of the calmer position of floating on his back, at the same level as mom’s shoulder, which gives added security. Dylan Dreyer was the first to admit that it was going to take more practice to master floating on his back. This skill is crucial because the position allows a child to take a breath, and also call for help.
The action of pouring water in small amounts above a child’s head begins to teach how to close the mouth, and gradually, hold the breath. Gentle dips in the arms of a parent further develop the skill. The old adage of throwing a child into the water to stimulate survival can often do the opposite, prompting lifelong terror of the pool.
Perhaps the most vital skill for a young child's pool safety is learning how to climb out of the pool. Calvin proved he had no trouble with mastering the climb of “elbow, elbow, tummy and knee.” He sprawled on the edge of the pool like a regular tourist.
Experts recommend that learning sessions should end when frustration or crying takes over. There is always a new day to learn more. The parent with patients to teach is the key.
Dylan Dreyer reported this morning that her adventuresome son practiced another sport over the Memorial Day weekend. Calvin spent hours with his toddler-sized golf set, simply hitting balls again and again, and giving mom a relaxing hour of watching.
In water or on land, practice makes perfect, and there is no price too high to keep a child safe.