As Tina is recovering from a stroke that she suffered about two years ago, Tina stays back at home to focus on her rehab while LaVar focuses on his sons' basketball careers which has now taken them to Ohio where Melo plays high school basketball for SPIRE academy. Tina also celebrates her birthday with the whole family coming home for her special day.

Surprise Surprise

LaVar is expecting Tina to come to Ohio to see him and watch Melo play. Before her planned trip to Cleveland, Melo has a game in Phoenix, Arizona, and Tina is going to surprise LaVar and everyone by meeting him in there.

When LaVar saw Tina, at a restaurant in Phoenix, he was very surprised as he didn't expect to see her there.

At Melo's game, in Arizona, there was a huge turnout with many people wanting to take pictures with LaVar even during the game. With many people wanting to take pictures with LaVar and Gelo, someone almost broke Tina's leg from trying to take a picture with Gelo. This caused LaVar to be worried and wasn't sure if Tina coming to Cleveland was the right idea.

Birthday girl

With the Ball family having been all over the place with Lonzo traveling with the Lakers, Melo in Ohio, and LaVar and Gelo figuring out Gelo's next steps, they all came home to celebrate Tina's 52nd birthday.

For Tina's birthday, Lonzo got her winter boots and LaVar got her a coat which would seem to be perfect gifts for her as she heads to Ohio, something LaVar eventually got on board with.

With the whole family there, LaVar decided to give a speech saying that he used to think the key to life was to find something you're good at and getting paid to do it. He then realized that the key to life was to find someone to grow old with. Lonzo said that his dad always gives good speeches and Denise said that she has heard LaVar give many speeches before, but that was the best one she had heard from him.

She also said that the speech LaVar gave got her teary-eyed. Since LaVar said that the key to life is finding someone to grow old with, Denise thinks that Lonzo is the person she sees herself growing old with.

Next episode

After all "Ball in the Family" episodes, a preview is shown about the next episode. In episode 14, which will air next Sunday on Facebook Watch, the Ball family is in Florida where they do a pop-up shop which even has the grandparents signing autographs. J-Ray is seen holding an alligator as he tries to get Gelo to kiss it and Lonzo gets a mug as a Christmas present.