The CW Network is developing a reboot of the popular series "The 4400." The series originally debuted on the USA Network in 2004. The show was written by Crag Sweeny. CW Network announced that they are developing a new "The 4400" series. The show debuted on the USA Network in 2004. Comic Book reports that the show will be written and produced by Taylor Elmore and Sweeny. Sweeny is currently the showrunner for the new series "The Code."

"The 4400" series focused on a group of 4,440 people who suddenly disappeared all over the world. Some disappeared a few weeks prior, others disappeared in 1957.

All of a sudden in 2019, the missing 4,440 reappeared at the exact location of their original abductions. None of them aged a day and nobody had any memory of where they had been. They were forced to deal with an everchanging and hostile world.

The CW continues to work on rebooting popular shows

Sweeny was the writer and producer for all four seasons of "The 4400." "The 4400" is the latest addition to The CW's list of reboots that they are developing. The network previously announced they are working on rebooting "The L.A. Complex," which is an original Canadian soap that debuted in 2012. The CW also just debuted their reboot of "Charmed," in October. and have also announced plans to reboot "Roswell" next year.

The network has become popular for their DC Comics superhero series including "Arrow," "Supergirl," "The Flash," "Legends of Tomorrow," and "Black Lightning."

According to TV Line, the original series was created by René Echevarria and Scott Peters. The series included an ensemble cast featuring Joel Gretsch, Jacqueline McKenzie, Conchita Campbell, and Oscar winner Mahershala Ali.

The original series ran on the USA Network from 2004 to 2007 and only lasted four seasons. Elmore was a writer and co-executive producer for CBS' series "Limitless." Currently, he is the showrunner for CBS' "Blood & Treasure."

'The 4400' reboot a response to NBC's hit 'Manifest' show

While many people may be confused about "The 4400" revival, one could consider NBC's recent sci-fi mystery series, "Manifest" which offers a similar premise about the return of a mass group of people who disappeared without explanation.

NBC ended up giving that show a full season extension, which may have caused the CW to move forward with their plans for this reboot.

For now, very little information is available regarding storyline details. However, many believe the rebooted "The 4400" will be keeping the same time frame as the original series. No shooting date has been announced. It's uncertain whether The CW will use a young cast or not. Fans of the original series are a little anxious to see what becomes of this reboot.