"Rick and Morty" is undoubtedly one of the biggest names in the animated television show category. With a massive and unparalleled appeal among viewers of all ages, the titular duo and their maniacal adventures have made more than a statement. Going forth to win the Critics Choice Awards earlier this year, "Rick and Morty" has proven to every legendary pre-existing animated television show giant that merely being in business and coughing up endlessly stale seasons and episodes isn’t the path to commercial success.
The show being Justin Roiland’s brainchild would have remained a shoddy garage project if it wasn’t for broadcasting network Cartoon Network/Adult Swim, and mainly, Dan Harmon.
All seemed to be going mighty fine as far as the upcoming fourth season of "Rick and Morty" was concerned, but Dan seems to have gotten himself into a rather unfortunate situation.
Dan Harmful?
According to the Los Angeles Times, controversy arose over Harmon this Comic-Con weekend when one of his past projects resurfaced on the internet. The short clip that is causing controversy is originally from a five minute pilot that Harmon did in 2009. The pilot was for a show named "Daryl" for Channel 101, which does a monthly screening for short trailers.
The pilot was meant to spoof a popular show of the time, "Dexter." The reason that "Daryl" is causing so much controversy is due to its unexpected depiction of child molestation.
Within the five minute trailer, one of Harmon's characters, played by Harmon himself, enters into the scene through a window, pulling down his pants and rubbing his genitals on a baby doll that was on the couch.
Going even further, the character claims that he can prevent serial killer tendencies in people if he rapes them as babies.
Some viewers complained that the clip made light of the subject of sexual abuse of children. The controversy that ensued caused Harmon to retreat from social media, and he deleted his Twitter account due to the backlash.
Can we stop punishing people for things they said a decade ago? There's a line of course, but a joke, regardless of how funny it is, is still a joke and although we don't think about it, the world was very different 10 years ago. First James Gunn, now Dan Harmon, this is crazy
— Temporal Enigma (@TheOneRealNigma) July 23, 2018
All this may not seem like a big deal to Dan Harmon, as it isn’t the first time he has gone AWOL from social media.
Although, this is definitely concerning as far as the future of "Rick and Morty" goes. Harmon has, in the past, come clean with a formal public apology regarding his podcast "Harmontown" and on Twitter regarding sexual harassment allegations made by a former colleague from "Community," Megan Ganz. It is likely that Harmon will do the same in this case, and may go on a social media hiatus, but many fans are hoping that this controversy does not impact "Rick and Morty." That would definitely be a sad state of affairs.
The test of time
Any form of humor can be seen as volatile -- even more so in some cases as time passes. What may be seen as harmless and hilarious at one point could be deemed harmful and insensitive down the road, and the pattern is bound to repeat. Not taking the issue of child molestation lightly, an amicable solution to all of this would be a statement/apology from Dan Harmon.