"Deception" is a crime drama on ABC, following magician Cameron Black (Jack Cutmore-Scott) as he lends his unusual skill set to the FBI to solve their strange cases. The series revolves around Cameron's deal with FBI agent Kay Daniels (Ilfenesh Hadera) to help with her cases in exchange for finding the Mystery Woman responsible for getting his twin brother Jonathan (Cutmore-Scott) in prison for murder.
The previous episodes have shown the Mystery Woman up her game when she kidnapped Cameron and blackmailed him into helping steal a valuable diamond.
Only pieces of her plan have been revealed with her always being one step ahead of the brothers and most of her plans including stealing highly valuable objects. A connection to a hidden trick of Cameron's grandfather Alistair Black (who is played by Cutmore-Scott) was revealed a couple of episodes ago.
The series also stars Lenora Crichlow as Dina, Justin Chon as Jordan, Vinnie Jones as Gunter, Amaury Nolasco as Mike, and Laila Robins as Deakins.
Mystery Woman delivers the final twist
Though the ABC drama has been recently canceled, there are plenty of twists to expect in the final few episodes and a lot more magic tricks. The May 20 episode "Loading Up" will find the team dealing with a spy who plans to take military secrets.
The hour will also feature someone from Kay's past showing up who will end up frustrating Cameron. Brett Dalton (Agents of SHIELD) guest stars.
The series end will occur in a two-hour finale called "Code Act/Transposition." The team goes up against the Mystery Woman in a move that will make Cameron think he's finally won, but the Mystery Woman has another trick up her sleeve and will deliver a shocking twist.
The finale will air May 27.
Another side to the Mystery Woman?
Stephanie Corneliussen, the actor who portrays the Mystery Woman, teases to Hollywood Life that the last few episodes will dive into her character's background and more of her motivation. Corneliussen describes her character as misguided and someone who wants to be in control but also craves finding a connection.
The actor teases another side will be seen to the Mystery Woman in the last few episodes where a specific connection will be explored that describes as someone who she's lied to less than the other characters. To speculate on who this might be, it's a safe bet that the connection will be with Jonathan.
This assumption comes on the heels of the revelation that occurred during the hour where Cameron was kidnapped. As a child, the Mystery Woman met Cameron on a roof where they discussed the aurora borealis, but in a twist, the Mystery Woman discovers she set up the wrong brother. The young magician on the roof wasn't Cameron. It was Jonathan.
Remember to catch the remaining three episodes of "Deception" May 20 and May 27 on ABC.