"Charmed" is a beloved magical drama that aired from 1998 to 2006. The series revolves around three sisters who discover they're witches known as the Charmed Ones and along with magical abilities comes the destiny of fighting evil. Over the eight seasons, the sisters face many challenges and many losses, from demon husbands and time travel to losing an older sister and gaining a half-sister. The series stars Holly Marie Comb as Piper, Alyssa Milano as Phoebe, Shannon Doherty as Prue (seasons 1-3), and Rose McGowan as Paige (seasons 4-8).
The new Charmed Ones
The reboot follows a similar premise to the original following three sisters who discover they're witches. The CW has released a first look trailer for the series which showcases these similarities along with several notable differences. After their mother dies, sisters Mel (Melonie Diaz) and Maggie (Sarah Jeffery) discover two shocking family secrets: they have an older half-sister Macy (Madeleine Hantock), and all three sisters are witches with a special destiny.
The trailer also reveals the first look at their new abilities which are similar to the original series. Macy discovers she has telekinesis, Mel learns she can stop time, and Maggie finds that she has the ability to read people's thoughts.
Also in the trailer, the sisters meet their Whitelighter played by Rupert Evans, who they think is just the chair of the women's studies program but is, in fact, the one to teach them about being witches.
The series will also include Ellen Tamaki as Nico Hamada who is a detective with a connection to Mel, Charlie Gillespie as Brian who is Maggie's high school boyfriend, and Ser'Darius Blain as Galvin who is Macy's boyfriend and an aspiring filmmaker.
Madeleine Hancock teases to TV Guide that her character will try to find a logical solution for her telekinesis while Sarah Jeffery shares her character is the youngest sister who is a college Freshman more interested in rushing a sorority and will start out with reservations. Melonie Diaz shares that Mel is an activist so the stories the series tell has a lot of real opportunities to draw from as Mel will be seen defending people.
Skepticism over the reboot
After the CW announced plans for a reboot, not just fans were skeptical about the new series. The original actresses have taken to social media to express their concern. Holly Marie Combs has been vocal and recently took to social media to clarify these feelings. She expresses appreciation for the jobs and opportunities the reboot has provided but goes on to question what's "fierce, funny, and or feminist" about the "Charmed" reboot when it's saying the original actresses are too old to do the show. She goes on to comment how she hopes "the new show is better than the marketing" and critiquing what reboots are about, sharing that reboots do better when they honor the original source and listen to the passionate fans.
The new Charmed Ones have vocalized their own thoughts on the reboot and address the concerns of skeptics. Madeleine Mantock expresses her excitement to TVLine for being a Charmed One, going on to say if fans enjoy the series then that's great, but if not, it's okay. Sarah Jeffery adds the new series is "very respectful and aware of the original," and expresses her gratitude for the opportunity. Jeffery encourages fans it doesn't hurt to check out the series.
The actress has also shared on social media her thoughts about the criticism surrounding the show. While she understands the love and passion for the original "Charmed," she gives her gratitude over getting to bring the series into a modern and timely plot with three WOC at the helm and leaves off with saying she believes the series will have a positive effect on women.
The CW will air the "Charmed" reboot this fall.