Music is a powerful tool to help people in times of trial and tribulations and musician Harper Starling is positive proof that music indeed heals. Suffering from Tourette’s from a young age, singing and performing helped calm her tics down. She chose to follow her dreams by changing careers. Close to graduating as a physical therapist, Harper decided to change direction to a path of music.

This step to success is climbing with her latest single "Euphoria" charting in the Billboard Dance club songs chart at number 36. The song is produced by The Perry Twins (remixes include Dirty Werk by Ke$ha) working, with songwriter to the stars, Kasia Livingston. I grab a chat to talk passion, chasing dreams and why you should follow your gut and do what you love!

Kirsty Bright: People always say how musicians/music saves them and helps them progress in their lives. What would you say to someone who is perhaps struggling in life?

Harper Starling: "I know this is going to sound cliché but you really are in charge of your own destiny. Only you have the power to decide what you want to make with your life.

If you are unhappy with your job, take steps to implement in your life that can change your path towards your dream. Don't let what others say stop you from achieving what you want. Remember, opinions are like noses. Everyone has one but it usually has holes in it."

KB: What song/genre of music makes you the happiest?

HS: "I think it depends on the mood I'm in. I am an eclectic mix. If I want to relax, I will listen to classical music. My mom always puts classical music on for my sister and I when she wanted us to calm down and I fell in love with the genre. If I am in the mood to dance or need a pick-me-up song, I listen to pop. If I want to get out any pent up energy then hard rock (especially Guns N' Roses) is what I go to."

Follow your own career path

KB: You’re an extremely talented and gifted lady.

Changing from a physical therapist to a career in music is incredibly brave what made you switch so close to graduating?

HS: "Well,l thank you! That's very sweet of you to say. It really came down to the fact that I could not envision dedicating a third of my life for the next 30+ years to being a physical therapist. While I fully respect that career choice for my friends who did go on to get their doctorates, my passion was with music. Music doesn't feel like work to me. I WANT to put all my effort into making and performing my music. Instead of tiring me, it energizes and inspires me to do more. I am at my happiest when I am immersed in music. That is how I know I chose the right path for myself.

Yes, it was incredibly scary to leave a career that I knew would be bringing in a steady income, but I was even more terrified about looking back on my life and regretting the decisions I made or the opportunities I didn't take. Overall, I'm very happy with how things have progressed to lead me where I'm at today."

KB: I think a lot of people in their 20’s (myself included) feel they missed out on great music in the 80’s and were born in the wrong era. What’s your connection with past music and who’s your favorite artist from that decade?

HS: "I remember growing up and having my dad play music from the 70s and 80s in the car that we would "air drum" out to. He would also play his vinyl records in the family room that my sister and I would create dances to and perform for our parents.

One of my favorite records growing up was the “Thriller” album. There were so many great musicians from the 80s that I don't think I can pick just one. My top picks, though, are Michael Jackson, Cyndi Lauper, Madonna, Prince, Axl Rose, and Freddie Mercury."

KB: What’s your songwriting process like? Is there a process of just write whenever or wherever, and do you have many songs written?

HS: "I'm pretty sure I've written over 100 songs within the past couple years. I typically get inspired by different words that "speak" to me and I develop a concept from there. After creating a concept, I will find out which chords I'd like to use in the song for a general outline, loop it, and keep writing from there.

Lyrics are the easiest for me. I have been an avid reader my entire life so conveying a message in my songs has always been important to me. Words are powerful. I want my songs to make an impact and not just be another song about drinking."

The power of music

KB: You’ve suffered from Tourette’s syndrome from an early age. Did music, or anyone in the music industry, in particular, have a positive effect on that?

HS: "My tics came about around the age of eight. They were pretty severe back then. I started to notice that the only times my tics didn't occur were when I was singing or dancing. Performing has always been a part of who I am, so the fact that my passion was also the medicine I needed for my tics was really a saving grace."

KB: "Euphoria" is doing fantastic in the charts.

How does it feel to see hard work pay off?

HS: "I am over the moon with how well "Euphoria" is doing! It's crazy to see my name up on the charts with other well-known artists like Rihanna and Drake. It's something I always envisioned, but to see this all come to fruition really is a dream come true. This song is very personal and really is a page out of my life and the fact that so many are connecting and responding well to it is everything I could ask for."

KB: What would be the dream in terms of duets/collaborations for the future?

HS: "There are so many collaborations that I would love to do! Definitely, my number one would be with Lady Gaga. I have been a Little Monster for over 10 years. I love her music and her performances are always iconic.

We definitely have the same energy and I think we would vibe really well together. I also would love to collaborate with Kelly Clarkson. She has the same personality as me and her voice is phenomenal. You can see how much music means to her and I love her 'girl next door but with a sassy edge' angle that she brings to her performances and interviews."

KB: Where can fans expect to see you next and what are the future plans in the pipeline?

HS: "I am very excited to announce that I will be performing at quite a few well-known places around Los Angeles and will be releasing an EP in the near future. I am so looking forward to what's about to come. To keep up to date with any new releases or news, they can visit my website at and follow me on all social media platforms with the tag @harperstarling. Sparkle on everyone!"

"Euphoria" will feature on Harper’s upcoming debut EP ‘Planet Disco’ Keep up to date with Harper on Instagram and Facebook.