Travelers” star Eric McCormack announced his sci-fi drama “Travelers” has been renewed for a third season. However, the next season will run exclusively on Netflix, shutting out The Canadian Showcase from their distribution plan.

McCormack took to Twitter to announce the renewal and that he will be directing the opening episode of season three. He also tweeted out that he was excited to be able to tell the show’s fans that the incredible sci-fi drama is back for another season.

McCormack is proud of this all-Canadian based drama.

'Travelers' is 100 percent Canadian

The cast and crew hail from Alberta, BC, Manitoba and Ontario. McCormack’s producing partners have roots in Toronto. He says “Travelers” is a series as Canadian in its creation, as it is global in size. McCormack is counting the days until he returns not just as Special Agent Grant MacLaren, and a producer, but as a director.

“Travelers,” co-stars Jared Abrahamson, Nesta Cooper, Reilly Dolman, Patrick Gilmore and MacKenzie Porter and takes place hundreds of years from when the last surviving humans find a way to send consciousness back through time.

These bands of travelers take over the lives of ordinary people while working as a team to perform secret missions in order to protect the humankind from disaster.

'Travelers' renewal means more work for Eric McCormack

The renewal comes just three months after Season 2 premiered on Netflix. There has not been an exact episode count released yet, but both the first and second seasons have had 12 episodes each. Season 3 will begin shooting this month in Vancouver and production will wrap up in July. A release date has not been announced but its possible that it will fall around either late fall or early winter.

It’s also unclear what the next chapter will be for this group of travelers, but it has been confirmed that a new character will be introduced and they will challenge MacLaren.

According to Cinema Blend, Showrunner Brad Wright said they are working at turning up the heat for the next season. "Travelers" has become one of Netflix’s most popular binge-worthy shows.

News of this renewal will mean Erick McCormack will be quite busy, as he is balancing his work on NBC’s “Will and Grace,” which was just renewed for a second season. “Travelers” originally premiered in Canada in 2016 and became the highest-rated new fall series in the country. It later debuted on Netflix in December 2016.