Chrissy Teigen needs our help. The model, who is pregnant with her second child with singer John Legend's child, is having cravings these days. One of these cravings, evidently, is for a good Romantic Comedy film.

Worry no more, Ms. Teigen - help has arrived. There are some great romantic comedies available in one manner or another, allowing you to snuggle up with your family and enjoy a movie night. It's all about choosing the right one, though.

Here are four romantic comedies Chrissy Teigen should watch next week.

'How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days' (Netflix)

Our romantic partners here are played by Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey (back when he was making these types of Movies). The film is about a writer who aims to woo a man, then drive him away in less than two weeks - ten days, to be exact. Nothing goes to plan, though, and the two simply can't resist one another. Sure, it doesn't have the best score on Rotten Tomatoes (42 percent) but that just gives Teigen and company an opportunity to laugh with AND at the movie.

'Sweet Home Alabama' (Hulu)

The streaming service almost always has this at the front of their romantic comedy list, so it must be good!

Reese Witherspoon and Josh Lucas star, as well as Patrick Dempsey. The film does a notable job of pointing out the stereotypical differences between the South (Alabama) and the North (New York), reenacting the Civil War to drive the point across. This is another lovable loser of Rotten Tomatoes (38 percent) - sorry Ms. Teigen.

'13 Going on 30' (Netflix)

Jenna just wants to be popular but she's bullied so hard at her 13th birthday party that she wishes to skip straight to her 30s. Lo and behold, that's what happens and she learns that the dorky boy from her childhood isn't who she thought he was. The Jennifer Garner-flick earned a much more favorable score on Rotten Tomatoes (65 percent).

Teigen is just a couple of years past 30, so perhaps she could connect to some of the film.

'Leap Year' (Netflix)

Where have all the good rom-coms gone? At least this one is from the current decade. Starring Amy Adams and Matthew Goode, this tale takes us to the great nation of Ireland. The main moral lesson from this flick is to never try to do anything of significance on February 29. Rotten Tomatoes got a laugh out of this one, giving it a score of 21 percent and trashing the script.

On second thought, Ms. Teigen, we all seem to share your woes. Please let us know if you find any good rom-coms to stream!