Arie Luyendyk Jr. might not choose Lauren B, but if she comes in third or runner-up, what are the chances she could be The Bachelorette in 2018? Finishing second or third in "The Bachelor" has often been the ticket to becoming the next Bachelorette, and after episode 7, Lauren could end up among the top three this season.

The 25-year-old tech salesperson from Virginia Beach, VA has a Second Degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do and is a fan of Disney princesses. Week 7 on "The Bachelor" has shown that after being a dark horse, Lauren B. might fulfill those princess ambitions and get her happily ever after -- ending either as Arie's wife or as the star of her own show.

Lauren finally showed more interest in Arie

In the romantic Tuscany countryside, Lauren was one of the women chosen to go on a one-on-one date with Arie. The date included cycling in a historic city and a romantic dinner. Arie was really keen to impress Lauren, even doing stunts on his bike.

So far, Arie has mostly been into the women who tell him how much they adore him. Seinne Fleming was the only one who did not gush all over him. Could this be why she got eliminated? But at the same time, his interest in Lauren has been strong because she is a bit of a mystery.

Maybe he saw Lauren as a challenge because he was not sure about how she felt about him. But finally during their date, Lauren spoke about her feelings, telling him that she was falling for him.

Arie gave her one of the roses, which also means he will be coming to her hometown to meet her family next week. Lauren has shown that she is not someone who gives her heart too quickly, which could be a good trait for "The Bachelorette."

Lauren B. has a strong following

Many fans are hopeful that Lauren will be the one, and no doubt they will support her even if Arie rejects her in the final episode.

This latest Instagram pic has many followers saying that Lauren and Arie are the perfect match and generally showing their love for Lauren.

Lauren has Bachelorette potential, keeping it interesting on her Instagram feed. She is obviously an adventurous soul and an animal lover:

According to Jack O'Keeffe of Bustle, "Lauren B.

is just like Arie, meaning they could be a great match or that Lauren B. could end up as The Bachelorette's version of Arie." O'Keeffe also mentioned that Lauren's genuine enjoyment of everything to do with "The Bachelor" franchise could lead her to become the next Bachelorette.

Other contestants could outshine Lauren this season

While many people are touting Lauren B. as their pick for this season's winner, others are not impressed. Lauren has been called "basic," and she even admits it herself, which shows a certain self-awareness and maybe even a sense of humor. But is she too boring to become the Bachelorette?

Becca K.

seems even more likely to be "the one" for Arie. Her date with Arie had much more romance and chemistry than anyone else's, and she is quickly winning more and more viewers' hearts.

Has Arie chosen Lauren?

It could be possible that Lauren won't be a bachelorette for very long since news has leaked that she is dating Arie now that filming has wrapped up.

If she ends up with Arie, she obviously can't become the Bachelorette, but there are many fabulous ladies who could be selected. The two contestants who got eliminated in this episode are both likely picks. Bekah M. got lots of media attention after her missing person incident. According to Pop Culture, classy, erudite Seinne is also a huge fan favorite.

Watch "The Bachelor" Episode 8 on Monday, February 19 at 8 p.m. ET on ABC.