WEtv's "From Not to Hot" season 2 airs Jan. 12 and promises less of the weight loss and more drama for Mama June, teen mom Pumpkin Shannon, and Honey Boo Boo. Pictures show that June Shannon may have dropped positive new habits but kept some bad old ones. And one-time beauty queen Alana Thompson is on a one-way collision with morbid obesity.
Mama June falling off the wagon?
Season 1 of "From Not to Hot" promised explosive weight loss and plastic surgery makeover for June Shannon. But reality TV previews prove that big bang may be just more theory than fact.
Mama June, Alana Thompson, Pumpkin and baby Ella Grace did the "Growing Up Hip Hop Atlanta" preview. A slinky evening gown reveals June's 300-lb loss is gaining on her in a fleshier face, hands, arms, legs, and stomach. If she ever was 134 pounds and size 4--and very few believe it--she isn't now. June admits to gaining "about 10 pounds" but folks suspect more, since the Baywatch red swimsuit of last year.
Pumpkin's pregnancy issues
If the goal was to promote family weight loss, WEtv "Mama June: From Not to Hot" dropped the ball. 12-year-old Honey Boo Boo and Pumpkin Shannon, 17 are obese. The Teen mom has the excuse of just having given birth but pregnancy seems to have been an excuse to go overboard.
Another teenage Reality TV celebrity Joy-Anna Duggar of "19 Kids and Counting" and "Counting On" has gained a lot. Age and maternal obesity threaten babies and moms with gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, and other dangers.
From fat to fatter
The one who drops everyone's jaw with weight gain is adolescent Honey Boo Boo. Mama June boasts a slimmer figure after bariatric surgery, skin removal makeover, breast implant and tummy tuck.
But she doesn't stop Alana. Reality TV fans were shocked to hear that HBB is considering gastric bypass or other plastic surgery like mom. That may not be all Shannon's fault, though. Dad Sugar Bear and his enormous new wife Jennifer Lamb let the child star pig out on desserts just to stick it to his "From Not to Hot" ex.
Mamas and Tiaras?
Is Honey a pawn in the June-Jen-Mike Thompson triangle? Or is the reality television star the gong that rings the bell? Is the former child star of "Toddlers & Tianas" missing the limelight and playing her parents? She certainly seems to run to daddy when Mama says no. According to WETV "From Not to Hot," Alana's back in the pageant business but the roles are reversed. This time she's the coach and June may wear the crown of Miss America says Thompson. Reality television viewers can make of that what they will.