In a written essay for InStyle Magazine, Natalie Eva Coyle, better known as Eva Marie, has ironed things out; opening up about her struggles with alcohol and how it has played a contributory role in her psychological makeup.

She accounts for her early alcohol abuse which she had earlier discussed in an episode of "Total Divas."

Under the influence

Eva, now a film actress and fitness model, penned how she has been an alcoholic since as early as her twenties. Under the influence, she did things she wasn't too proud of. According to her, she's destroyed relationships, hurt her family and disappointed herself on numerous occasions.

Prior to her success, she served 3 months in jail for repeated DUI's, couldn't secure a stable job and as such couldn't afford to pay her bills. She had breast implant surgery as early as 20-years-old. In her words, her life was a mess and had reached rock bottom because of this debilitating disease.

Road to sobriety

Despite being sober and on this road to sobriety for five years now, she still refuses to believe she's completely been healed or cured of alcoholism. According to her, it's either you're an alcoholic or you're not -and she is one. Also, in the essay, she wrote "I will be an alcoholic for the rest of my life," which implies she could be stuck with it and will have to deal with it on a permanent basis.

Her road to her recovery started with a simple but all-important admission: that she is an alcoholic and that she had to seek professional help. She said that coming to terms with this truth saved her life. Also, she's using all available platforms, including social media to raise awareness about this and is getting others to seek timely and needed counsel.

Penning her struggles with alcoholism and having it publicized, will help people out there who could be in her same position to seek professional help just like she did. Also, this serves as a timely caution to everyone why excessive drinking and other vices place your health and eventual well-being at risk.

Having walked away from professional wrestling last year summer, Eva has found a new Career Path as an American actress and she is giving it her best shot.

Already, she has featured in two movies - "Inconceivable" and "Action #1." Also, she is into fitness modeling and fashion designing as well. Eva, hopes to involve herself in as many career paths as she possibly can, with confidence that only the sky's the limit.