Dark” is a new Netflix show that skirts the line between suspenseful drama and science fiction adventure. The first season was just made available online, giving Netflix subscribers the chance to watch 10 full episodes. So far, “Dark” has remained a bit under the radar when it comes to viewership, but that could quickly change as word-of-mouth spreads about just how well-constructed this show has become.

The first news that many potential viewers may have heard about Season 1 of “Dark” could have been on Netflix itself. The company began placing a short trailer of the show on the opening screens, giving subscribers a taste of what the show has to offer. That, in turn, has led to a lot of users checking out the show and getting hooked on the first few episodes. From that point, it becomes very easy to get drawn into the well-constructed plot lines.

What is the show even about?

Without going too much into the details of the program, the IMDB page for the show does give some hints in its statement.

A family saga with a supernatural twist, set in a German town, where the disappearance of two young children exposes the relationships among four families.” That boils down the main components of the show, without giving away too much of what should be enjoyed by viewers.

It would be a disservice to any Netflix subscribers or any new viewers of “Dark” to delve much further into the plot of the first 10 episodes. There are a lot of mysteries that are slowly revealed through the first season and worth the wait. For fans of the science fiction genre of storytelling, this is certainly something that will grab the interest and keep it even after the Season 1 finale has run its credits.

When will 'Dark' Season 2 be available?

Word-of-mouth has already been very strong for “Dark,” suggesting that a renewal could come from Netflix very soon. If the show does get the green light, filming would likely take place in 2018, leading to a release date at some point in early 2019. A quicker turnaround time is certainly possible, but Netflix hasn’t given further information on whether the success of the show will lead to more episodes being ordered.

Netflix has found a lot of success with original programming, including “Stranger Things,” which will receive a third and fourth season now. Netflix even has a movie starring Will Smith called “bright” that will be coming out later in December. Viewers who have interest in either of those programs should definitely check out Season 1 of “Dark” to enjoy some very original television.