Marvel Studios returns to the roots of comic books by infusing humor – lots of it – in its upcoming movie, “Thor: Ragnarok.” The third Thor (Chris Hemsworth) movie tells the return of Hela (Cate Blanchett), the goddess of death and Odin’s (Anthony Hopkins) firstborn, and her claim to the Asgardian throne. But more than that, it will also reveal the true power of Thor, and the evolutions of Hulk and Dr. Strange.

Officially launching tomorrow in North America, the film is expected to eclipse “Spider-Man: Homecoming” which debuted last July with $117 million.

With over $109 million at the box-office in 36 markets last weekend, “Thor: Ragnarok” is expected to reach over $400 by Sunday once it hits the U.S. cinemas in addition to Canada, China, Japan, Germany, Russia, Mexico and other markets worldwide, according to

Filled with laughter

Scenes that include Thor, the Incredible Hulk/Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo), Loki (Tom Hiddleston), Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson), and even the cameo appearance of Dr. Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) are unexpectedly filled with comedic punchlines that some action scenes look a dressing of the cake. By the way, Stan Lee also made another cameo as Thor’s barber, and yes, Matt Damon.

Chris Hemsworth has proven that his looks can also carry a few rounds of laughter.

From telling Surtur how he plans to prevent Ragnarok by retrieving his crown to his “Yes!” scene after knowing that he was about to fight an old friend, the 34-year old actor has projected that action and comedy will always go hand-in-hand.

Of course, there are some serious instances which cannot be altered. One of these scenes is Odin telling his boys that he can no longer protect Asgard.

The most horrific scene shows Hela easily crushing Thor’s Mjolnir with one hand.

Evolution of Hulk, Dr. Strange, and Thor (Spoiler Alert)

There are other bigger surprises in “Thor: Ragnarok” that moviegoers may have noticed, the evolution of the Incredible Hulk, Dr. Strange, and Thor. These changes and developments will prove beneficial as Marvel Universe comes up with “Avengers: Infinity War” which is slated May 4, 2018.

For one, Hulk can speak almost fluently! He can tell jokes, he can interact with other people, and yes, he’s not always angry. In “Thor: Ragnarok,” Bruce Banner has been in the Hulk form for more than a year without transforming back to his human form. But when he turned into human form, thanks to Black Widow’s (Scarlett Johansson) cameo appearance, his last memory was about Sokovia back in the 2015 movie, "Avengers: Age of Ultron." And for those who are curious, yes, the Hulk did to Thor what he did to Loki.

The couple of minutes’ appearance of Dr. Strange in “Thor: Ragnarok” has shown vast improvements in his newfound powers. From turning a cup of tea into a mug of beer (and refilling it), to teleporting himself along with Thor from one library to the other without the standard hand signals during his training, to dispatching Loki (see how fast it is), it shows that Dr.

Strange has a full grasp of using his abilities.

And then there’s Thor, who no longer carries his mighty hammer. His Mjolnir was not his source of power; rather, it was only needed to control his power. Odin explained, even telling Thor that he is even more powerful than he was. While he may not have defeated Hela, watch how Thor used his newfound powers to defeat his sister’s army.