''This Is Us'' is unfolding midway through Season 2. One episode after another, an even bigger and more complex picture gets is beginning to form. The fall segment of Season 2 is almost done but there are few signs that there might be a tendency for things to settle down. The Pearsons are completely submerged in a flurry of tensions, emotions, unexpected outcomes, actions and conclusions.
Season 2 intermediate finale has little chance to put some light on all those tricky elements of the narrative threads. All major characters are dealing with some serious issues at the moment.
Kevin Pearson trying to find some meaning to his life
Kevin Pearson was the focus-point of the drama in the previous episode. A recurrent knee injury put him in a sensitive spot having to deal with some past emotions involving both him and his father Jack. Going back to the high school to receive an award, he did nothing but deepen the existential crisis he has been through recently. Moreover, an unexpected aspect of his life shows a weakened Kevin falling into the painkillers' trap. Unable to refill his stash, he started to act irresponsibly. His relationship with Sophie went off the rails and now Kevin finds himself at his lowest.
Kate lost her pregnancy, Randall still dealing with the adoption task
Kevin may have received a final blow as his brother Randall informed him about their sister's situation. Toby and Kate had to dig their way out of the sinkhole. 'This Is Us' tends to come up with a special kind of delivery. Basically, whether there is positive news or bad, they all are delivered through a special technique - a raw channel that ultimately catches the viewers with no filters at their disposal.
Trying to be the perfect father to a perfect family, Randall is scrambling to find the winning recipe for a better relationship with Deja.
Jack's death remains a mystery
Pearsons' younger branches may have taken the spotlight but Jack's death remains a mystery yet to be solved. Moreover, the existence of his brother and their trip to Vietnam is another chapter still in the dark.
After all, Jack stands at the core of the whole narrative construct and a little bit more mystery surrounding his death is good for business.
Season 2 fall finale is expected to unveil some clues about all these matters but it'll be hard to cover all that ground and all those twists and turns the narrative has accumulated at this point. Although the expectations are high for this segment's ending, the final picture might end up being a little flat.