"Incredibles 2" is one of the most anticipated animated movies coming out next year, and the second installment of the mega-hit "The Incredibles." Its been 13 years since Pixar studios released the first movie. Now, die-hard fans can finally get to see their favorite superhero family back in action. Although the sequel won't be released until June 18th, 2018, fans can still take a sneak peek at the new trailer Pixar released on Saturday.
'Incredibles 2': 13 years in the making
The first Incredibles movie was a smash hit and grossed over $600 million at the global box office.
That same year the animated cartoon also won an Oscar in the category of best animated feature film. The fan feedback from the first movie was so overwhelming that the creators began preparations for the sequel. The first film follows the Parr Family, a family of superheroes who leave their superhero past behind as they try to live a normal suburban life. As the family struggles to maintain their happy home, they're suddenly faced with a dilemma as other former superheroes go missing. The heroes are forced to act and save their captured friends, as well as the world.
Two new voices will be in the film, adding to an already all-star cast. The two new voices are those of Bob Odenkirk and Catherine Keener but it hasn't been confirmed yet which characters they will be playing.
As for the old cast, Craig T. Nelson reprises his role as Mr. Incredible, while Samuel L. Jackson plays Frozone, Holly Hunt is Elastigirl, and Sarah Vowell is Violet Parr. Fans are especially excited to see baby Jack-Jack, the youngest member of the Parr family, with his new superpowers.
Is 'Incredibles 2' worth the wait?
After keeping fans waiting for over a decade, original writer-director Brad Bird promises that this installment of the franchise will be worth the wait.
If the teaser is a preview of what's to come then this movie will definitely be another blockbuster. "Incredibles 2" focuses more on Elastigirl (Helen Hunt) this time around while Mr. Incredible (Craig T. Nelson) takes on the role of house husband. Baby Jack-Jack tease audiences in the trailer by revealing his awesome new superpower.
It will be interesting to see how he puts those new powers to use. As for the rest of the kids, we can only wait and see how they manage to deal with maturity and being superheroes.
Here is the trailer below:
"The Incredibles 2" will be released in US cinemas on the 14th of June, 2018.