Fox’s popular reality show, “Hell’s Kitchen” Season 17 has taken a short break to give way to the ongoing 2017 World Series. With the next episode postponed, fans have been weighing in on the show's recent results that placed the Red Team in an unexpected disarray.
“Hell’s Kitchen” Season 17 is the first-ever All-Star edition of the show. Gordon Ramsay handpicked 16 former contestants from various seasons of the show and pitted them all against each other in this new season.
The winner of this season will be given the position as head chef of the first-ever Gordon Ramsay Hell’s Kitchen Restaurant in Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas.
Fans approved of the switch
The previous episode of “Hell’s Kitchen” Season 17 capped off with an unexpected result during the elimination round. For the first time since the new season started, the Blue Team was up for elimination and they nominated Josh and Giovanni to go home.
Since they had to nominate two contestants, everyone on the Blue Team picked Josh, while they had to nominate Giovanni out of formality since he also had major mistakes during the dinner service. However, the Blue Team apparently didn’t want Josh to be on their team anymore.
Gordon Ramsay was surprised to see that the Blue Team has given up on their teammate. Josh made a series of blunders with the risotto from the beginning of the dinner service till the very end, and even Gordon was upset about it.
However, Gordon decided to give Josh another chance and swapped him with Robyn from the Red Team. According to the poll by GoldDerby, fans say Gordon made the right decision to swap these two contestants.
Josh had issues with his team, but Robyn was an entirely different story. The Red Team has lacked unity since the show began, and Robyn has already engaged in a couple of heated arguments with them.
Fans want Josh to go home next
Another poll from GoldDerby also revealed that majority of the fans wanted Josh to get out of the competition. He has been struggling, and his latest performance hinted that he’s not a good team player.
In the previous episode, he refused to get help from Van. Meanwhile, during the nomination round, he insulted his teammates’ cooking abilities, which infuriated them, and triggered Milly to air out his thoughts.
During the elimination round, the rest of the Blue Team included fellow nominee Giovanni, voted to kick out Josh. They explained that Josh was the weakest link in their group.
Now that Josh is gone from the Blue Team, the Red Team will be forced to deal with him. It seems like even though Robyn is with the Blue Team now, the Red Team still can’t get it together because of Josh’s presence.
A majority of the fans want Josh out in the next episode for the obvious reasons. However, trailing behind Josh is Elise, who has been the biggest troublemaker on the show, so far.