Actress Heather Lind, who appeared on HBO's Boardwalk Empire and CBS' Blue Bloods, took to social media to reveal her encounter with the former US president, George H. W. Bush. She shared a lengthy Instagram post, which is now deleted, about how Bush sexually assaulted her.

Lind said that she had the chance to meet Bush four years ago. But the former president did not shake hands with her. Instead, he misbehaved with her by touching her inappropriately.

Lind's sexual assault claim

According to the actress, she met the president to promote a historical television show that she was working on.

She said that while posing for a photo, the president touched her from behind while sitting in his wheelchair. She added that his wife Barbara Bush was there beside him and saw what her husband did. The former first lady simply rolled her eyes as if saying, "not again."

This gave Lind the impression that this isn't the first time that Bush did it to a woman. Lind continued that aside from touching her, Bush also told her a dirty joke. While being photographed, Bush touched her again. She said that the security guard of Bush told her that she shouldn't have stood next to Bush for the picture.

Because of what happened, Lind said that she doesn't respect Bush. She also stressed that she was sexually assaulted, adding that Bush used his power as former President to do such a thing to her.

Lind said that she can also use her power to enact a positive change. She expressed her admiration to other women who were brave enough to speak up and write their experiences.

Lind receives backlash on social media

People are slamming her on social media because of her claim. One critic wrote that she is pathetic and that she wasn't sexually assaulted.

George Bush apologizes

After Lind made her claim public, Bush was quick to apologize. He said that his action was actually an "attempt at humor." Spokesman Jim McGrath released a statement about Lind's accusations saying that the president would never intentionally cause anyone distress. McGrath added that Bush apologizes if his attempt at humor offended Lind.

With this claim, Bush joins other US presidents who were accused of sexual assault. This includes Bill Clinton who faced multiple issues from Juanita Broaddrick to Paulo Jones, who both claimed that Clinton sexually harassed them. The father of President George W. Bush is currently 93-years-old and is suffering from Parkinson's disease. He was the US president from 1989 to 1993.