Wednesday night saw the finale of “America’s Got Talent,” where two youngsters stood to win the Grand Prize of $1 million. As Darci Lynne Farmer stood on that stage with her friend and fellow singer, Angelica Hale, the emotions were pretty raw, but when the winner was announced the talented singer and ventriloquist was both crying and over the moon at the same time.
Joy at tears at well-deserved ‘America’s Got Talent’ win
Speaking to Entertainment Tonight, 12-year-old Darci said at first that she had “no words” to describe how it feels to be the winner of “America’s Got Talent.” However, she went on to say that when Tyra Banks announced she was the winner, it meant so much to her that America had voted for her on the popular talent show. Explaining her emotional response, she said seeing her friends and family crying and supporting her made her feel overcome with both joy and tears.
Darci told USA Today that on hearing the news, it was like “waterworks” right there on her face – a water faucet.
The talented singer and ventriloquist said she had a hard time keeping it together while she stood next to her friend Angelica – who had also dreamed of winning – saying she had kept things “bottled up inside,” while feeling so much love for her “America’s Got Talent” journey. It finally all came out in a rush.
She went on to say that as her brother and family joined her onstage, she saw her younger brother was crying too, adding he has never cried before – but that fact also made her laugh.
Talented ventriloquists star together in ‘America’s Got Talent’
Throughout the talent show, Farmer had performed with several different puppets, but this week appeared with two – both singing and talking in different voices.
Terry Fator, fellow ventriloquist and winner of Season 2 of “America’s Got Talent,” described Darcy’s style as being “flawless.” The ventriloquist duo had worked together on Darcy’s material for the show, and Fator performed with Farmer during the finale – watch them in the video below.
Saying he had invited Darcy to appear on his Las Vegas show after she has finished her own, Fator said that at only 12 years of age, she was one of the best ventriloquists he has ever seen, adding that she can only get better.
Dishwasher and puppy dreams
As for Darcy, when she was asked what she was going to do with all the money she won on "America's Got Talent," she said the first thing she has to get is a dishwasher for her mother and maybe also a fridge.
She added that she also wants to get a pug, as she loves puppies, adding they are so cute with their fat rolls and wrinkles.
Watch Farmer’s emotional response on stage as she gets the news of her win in the video below.