The long-anticipated first new “Star Trek” to appear on television in 12 years aired on CBS recently. The Pilot Episode will be followed by the rest of the season that will only be available on CBS Access. CBS is a new live streaming service that will only be available for a subscription fee. “Star Trek: Discovery” is set ten years before the original five-year mission of the USS Enterprise and features Lt.

Commander Michael Burnham, played by Sonequa Martin-Green. She is a human woman who was raised by Vulcan Ambassador Sarek, serving on the USS Shenzhou under the command of Captain Georgiou, plated by Michelle Yeoh. Some spoilers follow.

What happened in the episode?

The episode, called “The Vulcan Hello,” started the two threads of the story. First, the Klingon Empire is in political turmoil, being whipped up into a drive for unity by a new, charismatic leader. More of that anon. Meanwhile, Commander Burnham and Captain Georgiou are on a mission to save an alien race from catastrophe. Apparently, the Prime Directive does not apply when the aliens don’t see you do it.

The threads converge when the Shenzhou comes into contact with a Klingon vessel. At this point. Burnham enters into conflict with her superior officer, Burnham advises that the Shenzhou hit first to gain the Klingon’s respect. Georgiou insists on adhering to Star Fleet regulations and not fire first. Believing that this course will result in a war, Burnham disables her captain with a Vulcan-style nerve pinch and tries to seize control of the ship. Before she can fire on the Klingons, Georgiou emerges with a drawn phaser, put out by her Number One having made a mutiny.

What was good and what was not

Star Trek: Discovery” tried to have a look and, (almost as important), the sound of Trek, with the familiar bridge noises and beeping dating back 50 years.

It also tried to recreate the Spock-McCoy dynamic by having Burnham bicker with Lt. Saru, the Shenzhou’s science officer. The plot of the episode could have happened on any of Trek’s previous incarnations, the over-the-top mutiny notwithstanding.

The Klingons, however, were problematic. The show messed with the look of Trek’s favorite villains. They also transformed the proud, honor-addled warrior race into a group of paranoid bruisers who want to hit out at the universe because they are afraid of being attacked. It didn’t help that someone associated with the show decided that the Klingons represent Trump supporters.

Burnham’s backstory was also somewhat eyebrow-raising. Spock never mentioned that he had a human adopted sister who was also in Star Fleet.

We are told that an explanation is forthcoming and it had better be a good one.

The show would be worth a second look if it were being aired on free-for-view TV like every other Trek. Is it worth shelling out bucks to get CBS Access? One doubts this. It may be better to wait for the DVD set in a few months.