Comedy Central’s long-running adult animated series, “South Park,” is notorious for poking fun at the latest conflicts and social issues, even at famous celebrities and political personalities. Now on its 21st season, the series’ upcoming episode teases an association with North Korea.

Following the mysterious glitches on several actual Alexa and Google Home devices as the viewers watched the series’ premiere episode last week, “South Park” season 21 episode 2 will be treading on a delicate issue this week. Despite the fact that the show’s production team released very few details, the upcoming episode on Wednesday night will reportedly tackle North Korea.


Due to the sensitive topic regarding North Korea, Entertainment Weekly hopes that “South Park’s” production team has up-to-date cybersecurity. According to the publication, the upcoming episode titled, “Put it Down,” hints that the theme of the show has something to do with the East Asian nation.

Even though details are scarce, poking fun at North Korea appears to be quite dangerous. The reason? Well, mocking North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in the comedy movie, “The Interview,” has resulted in a massive hack on Sony Pictures in 2014. Following the breach, the group behind the hacking demanded Sony to cancel the release of the movie.

Not the first time

Tackling North Korean issues or conflicts is actually not a first for the show’s creators, Matt Stone and Trey Parker.

In fact, they already dealt with the subject matter through the feature film titled, “Team America: World Police.”

Tweek and Craig

Despite the fact that North Korea is the focal theme of the second episode of the series, the upcoming episode will also depict the challenge in Tweek and Craig’s relationship. As per the show’s synopsis published through South Park Studios’ blog, Tweek will be involved in a “petty conflict,” which will take a toll on his relationship with Craig.

Episode 1 Recap

Meanwhile, last week’s episode tackled a lot of issues, from smart speakers to the white nationalist movement. The previous “South Park” episode also highlighted the issue on blue-collared workers and cheaper labor.

In addition, fans also saw how the series poked fun at a human virtual assistant named Jim Bob.

Another funny take was the parody of Kendrick Lamar’s song, “Humble.”

Unfortunately, poking fun at Donald Trump was no longer a priority for the show. Meanwhile, “South Park” season 21 episode 2 premieres on Wednesday at 10 p.m. on Comedy Central, with replays at midnight.