Singer Selena Gomez recently came forward and opened up about an operation she had to undergo this summer. The celebrity revealed that due to her Lupus, she had to have a Kidney Transplant. The singer revealed the news on September 14th and fans were shocked to hear about her bad health.

The star revealed the news through Instagram

According to CNN Entertainment, Selena Gomez revealed the news about her kidney transplant through social media. The singer posted an image of herself and one of her friends in hospital beds next to one another. The photo showed them holding hands and looking at one another with smiles on their faces.

When fans saw the image posted on Gomez's Instagram account they were immediately fearful for the health of their favorite celebrity. Selena Gomez has had issues in the past with her health and previously entered a rehabilitation program to deal with mental health issues.

In a report by Metro, Selena confirmed that it was her best friend Francia Raisa who offered her one of her kidneys when she found out about Selena's condition. Gomez said that she will be eternally grateful to Raisa for her selfless sacrifice. Now she knows how blessed she is by this friendship because it is a big thing to donate a kidney.

Gomez took the time to raise awareness for Lupus

According to NME, Selena Gomez also mentioned Lupus, the disease she has battled for some time.

The star revealed that she had Lupus back in 2014 and fans were shocked to hear about the invisible disease. Selena stated that Lupus continues to be misunderstood by the public and that this prompted her decision to open up about her recent kidney transplant.

According to NME, nearly half of all Lupus sufferers will have to get kidney transplants at some stage of their lives.

Lupus is an autoimmune disease, which has no known cure. Selena Gomez has not only helped to Raise Awareness about this disease but has also helped to raise about $530,000, which was donated to a Lupus Charity.

In a report by Metro, it was confirmed that Selena Gomez has been involved with Lupus charities for several years now.

The singer asked her fans to donate to various Lupus charities for her birthday and gave a certain amount of ticket sales over to the charity.

Selena Gomez has confirmed that she is doing fine and that she is simply taking her time to recover before she returns to the stage. There has been an outpouring of love and support online as fans learned of Gomez's kidney transplant.