“Big Brother” host julie chen seems to be scratching her head along with the rest of the world when it comes to the current batch of houseguests and their game play. Chen, who has seen it all as the host for 19 seasons of the CBS summertime Reality Show, told Entertainment Weekly she is baffled by the hate toward dad of seven Kevin Schlehuber as well as recent evictee Matt Clines’ confusing mission to purposely get himself evicted from the game.
Chenbot says ‘BB19’ houseguests' behavior is ‘madness’
Kevin Schlehuber has been a target of several of the houseguests, including Jason Dent, who was caught on camera saying horrible things about Kevin’s wife and children.
And Alex Ow, who trash talks the dad of seven always and went so far as to throw away the leftover slop so he would have to go hungry.
Chen told EW she thinks the other houseguests’ attacks on Kevin are “madness.” Julie said the hate proves just “how paranoid and cutthroat people can get when there’s half a million on the line.”
Julie Chen also weighed in on Matt Cline’s decision to break the slop-eating Have Not rules by eating regular food (his go-to snack is cereal) and campaigning to get himself sent home so his “Big Brother” girlfriend, Raven Walton, could stay in the game. Chen revealed that Matt Clines is the first player in “Big Brother” history to ever behave that way. Julie said she has never seen a player who has wanted to b evicted so badly.
Chen is disappointed this season
This is not the first time this season Julie Chen has questioned a houseguest’s gameplay. Earlier this season, Chen said she was extremely disappointed to see an active player like Jessica Graf throw in the towel so easily when she was on the chopping block. Graf, who got involved in a showmance with Cody Nickson, completely gave up during her final days in the “Big Brother” house.
Julie told EW she wanted to "shake” Jessica and tell her not to hang her future in the hands of another person, especially a guy she just met this summer in the “Big Brother” house. Julie Chen said Jessica should have known that if Cody was the real deal, he would be waiting for her on the outside of the game.
“Big Brother 19” is in its final weeks, and the remaining houseguests have all caused controversy in one way or another.
Puppetmaster Paul Abrahamian seems poised for a win, while Alex Ow is another frontrunner who could win the $500,000 "Big Brother" grand prize.
The “Big Brother 10” finale airs Wednesday, Sept. 20 on CBS.