Leeanne Locken wasn't happy when one of the housewives said that she was back to her old ways on this season of "The Real Housewives of Dallas." LeeAnne is very proud of the fact that she went to anger management and she is trying her best to be a positive person. She even befriended Brandi Redmond on this season of the show, as she knew that Brandi and Stephanie Hollman were not getting along. Fans can see how she's trying to keep her cool so far on this season, but the previews show another story.
After Monday's episode of "The Real Housewives of Dallas," Bravo showed a preview of what's still to come this season and LeeAnne clearly loses her cool.
According to a new report from Bravo, LeeAnne Locken is seen talking about how she's going to have a confrontation with a co-star. It sounds like she's talking about Cary Deuber and as she's talking about how she can use her hands, Bravo edited scenes of her shooting a gun. The previews definitely look intense.
Threatening Cary Deuber?
Of course, Bravo is known for editing the scenes to make them more dramatic than they are. Perhaps LeeAnne Locken was just taking out her frustrations and Bravo filmed the door because she was wearing her microphone.
"She's gonna come for me one day and it isn't going to be pretty," the subtitles read while the camera is filming a door, and the speaker continues, "I grew up with a lot of things in my hands and they're not knives.
They're just hands. They work quite well."
On Monday's episode, LeeAnne and Cary came face to face and Locken told her co-star that she felt she was constantly treating her badly, as though she felt she was better than Locken. Deuber denied doing so, but in her confessionals, she revealed that she didn't really care. She expressed that she's not interested in the drama that LeeAnne brings to the show.
Fans encourage her anger
LeeAnne Locken is one of the more active "Real Housewives of Dallas" stars on social media. She's constantly tweeting with her fans and they all encourage her to keep going with her crazy attitude. Locken's fans keep telling her that she makes the show what it is and her followers all encourage her to act crazy and call out her co-stars whenever she wants.
This only fuels the drama between the ladies, as she's being egged on by people who don't need to face the consequences of their actions.
What do you think about LeeAnne Locken's comments that were featured in the previews for the season? Do you think she's threatening her co-star?