“Big Brother 19” has been under fire all season long for the houseguests’ bad behavior, but did this season’s puppet master go too far? TMZ posted a live feed video of returning “Big Brother” veteran Paul Abrahamian slapping fellow houseguest Josh Martinez in the face shortly after CBS’ most recent live episode. Martinez, who is “Big Brother 19’s” resident crier, was upset over the eviction of his friend Jason Dent, and Paul clearly wasn’t having it.
According to the New York Daily News, the video showed Josh Martinez getting choked up after the live double eviction in which Jason Dent and Raven Walton were sent packing, with Paul Abrahamian entering the room and slapping him.
When Josh asked “Why?” Paul reportedly called him an idiot and said something about crying on command.
Why was Josh so upset after the live show?
Josh Martinez was very emotional during the live double eviction episode. He even bawled his eyes out while casting his vote to evict Jason. During his tearful goodbye message to Dent, Josh begged the rodeo cowboy to respect his big game move. In his goodbye spiel, Josh also told Jason that Paul Abrahamian had an elaborate plan to get him out of the house. It seems as though Paul caught wind of the fact that Josh threw him under the bus and that it will likely cost him a jury vote should he make it to the final two this season on “Big Brother.”
Paul is not playing games—except ‘Big Brother’
Paul Abrahamian is clearly running the “Big Brother” house, and while Josh is on to him, in the past he has fetched water for him and followed his orders.
But the slap is a bit much, as Paul now seems to be trying to control Josh’s emotions.
This is not the first time Paul Abrahamian has done something questionable in the “Big Brother” house. Earlier this season, Paul was under fire when he wore “black face” in an attempt to mock houseguest Dominique Cooper. Of course, Josh and Jason have also displayed bad behavior this season.
Josh was accused of bullying showmance couple Cody Nickson and Jessica Graf by clanging pots and pans in their faces, while Dent made an inappropriate joke in which he talked about having sex with Kevin Schlehuber’s wife while his daughters watched. Many “Big Brother” fans think the Season 19 cast is so bad that none of them deserve the CBS reality show’s half million dollar grand prize.
“Big Brother” airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays on CBS, with the finale slated for Sept. 20.