Singer and actress (and now producer) Selena Gomez has recently opened up to the magazine, In Style, about her time in a 90-day treatment facility. The star, who also suffers with lupus SLE, went away to the 90-day treatment facility in order to help herself heal from depression and anxiety, which was part of her lupus. Selena now says that going away for those 90 Days was one of the best things that she's ever done. Before she went away, the star was incredibly stressed out and decided to cancel her world tour in order to seek help for herself, and she now says she's in a much healthier place than she thought she could ever be thanks to her time in inpatient treatment.
Cut off from the outside world
Selena Gomez says that during those 90 days, she and the rest of the young women receiving therapy there were cut off from the outside world. She says as a celebrity, this was completely necessary for her recovery so that she couldn't continue to fixate on horrible comments and stories about her in the tabloids. The star has admitted that she is really sensitive and takes a lot of things said about her to heart, which is why this period of no-contact with the outside world was so crucial to the star's recovery. She says that she didn't have a phone or television or the Internet, and that helped her immensely. She has also stated that the older she gets, the more sensitive she feels sometimes, and that's why her project, "13 Reasons Why," which focused on bullying, depression and suicide was so important to her.
"I never did my hair"
One thing most celebrities are used to is having a long primping routine in case they get caught by paparazzi. But since Selena's treatment center was in the countryside, the star could enjoy the freedom to never do her hair or put on her make-up because there was no way she was going to get caught on camera.
Selena Gomez also says she enjoyed equine therapy, which was incredibly important to her, though she has not specified if she still rides horses now that she's out of the program.
The star insists she's in a much healthier place nowadays. Her relationship with rapper The Weeknd seems to be much more solid than her past relationship with Justin Bieber, and the star is incredibly confident in herself and her body these days. She is slowly releasing new music from her new album, and recently released the song and music video for her song "Fetish," which many have described as the hit of the summer.