Nina Dobrev became known to the world through her role as Elena Gilbert on the hit show "The Vampire Diaries." "The Originals" is a spin off show of the original vampire series and focuses on the family of the Mikaelsons. Fans have been wondering if Dobrev will appear on the fifth and final season of "The Originals, " and the actor has finally come forward to answer the question.
Gilbert talks about appearing on the spin off show
According to Entertainment Weekly, actor Nina Dobrev has finally responded to the question over whether she will appear in the final season of "The Originals." Dobrev played the character of Elena Gilbert on the show "The Vampire Diaries" for six seasons, and guest starred in the shows eighth and final season.
During a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, Dobrev announced that she would not appear on the spin off series. The star stated that for now, she has her eye on other projects that she wants to be involved in. It is clear that Dobrev has left the life of Elena Gilbert behind her and is focused on upcoming opportunities in her career.
Dobrev stated that as for now she is far too busy to be signing up for another stint as a vampire on "The Originals." She stated that season 8 of "The Vampire Diaries" has only just wrapped and she does not think she would like to go back down that route so quickly.
The star also joked that she was getting too old to be playing an immortal vampire. Nina stated that she was no longer the twenty-year-old she was when she first appeared on the show and has explained that her reappearance would not be good for continuity reasons.
Plec can see a potential reunion
According to The Christian Post, creator of the shows "The Vampire Diaries" and "The Originals" Julie Plec has stated that she understood where Nina Dobrev was coming for. She stated that for actors when they finally shoot the final scene of their character they say goodbye to that role. While Plec has said that, it was difficult for her to bring the shows to an end she realizes that they cannot go on forever.
According to Entertainment Weekly, Julie Plec has stated that she could see a future reunion for the cast of "The Vampire Diaries" and "The Originals." The creator claimed that some time would have to pass before they revisited the famous vampire franchise but she believes that it would be possible.
Plec speculated on a possible reunion in about 10-years’ time and stated that the reunion would purely be for the fans of the show.
It would be difficult to explain to the audience how the actors of the series have aged as they are supposed to be immortal vampires.
As of now, Plec is currently involved in talks about seeing a spin-off series of "The Originals" however; nothing has been confirmed as of yet.