Netflix, the worldwide TV and movie-streaming platform, has recently announced a new series titled "American Vandal." The series to be a parody on crime documentaries and follows the story of Dylan Maxwell who was expelled for drawing male genitalia on 27 cars belonging to the teachers of the school. His fellow classmate, Peter, sets out to prove Dylan's innocence in this mockumentary series.
A parody of crime documentaries
According to Elle, "American Vandal" is due to be released on the streaming platform Netflix later this year in September. The series is a comedic take on American crime documentaries and has already raised some eyebrows with its newly released trailer. Netflix has confirmed that the new series will be a parody and fans has issued a sigh of relief after watching the trailer.
"American Vandal" is to focus on a series of crimes committed by High School Student Dylan Maxwell. Maxwell is a known troublemaker in his town and before he knows it his actions have him expelled from the school where a fellow student has been investigating his class mates crimes.
This fellow student is the supposed filmmaker behind this documentary complete with voice-overs and footage of the crime scene. Netflix has certainly taken an interesting approach to this new crime genre and fans of the platform are curious at how the public will receive "American Vandal."
The trailer of the series has been released
According to A.V Club, the trailer for the new series has been released online where Netflix fans can check out the new crime parody series. The trailer beings with student Dylan Maxwell narrating the trailer announcing that he did not think that his life would ever go in this direction. A video of a young Maxwell is briefly shown before a recent photograph from his Instagram is revealed.
The scene then changes to a news report on the crime committed at Hanover High School where teachers are seen looking extremely distressed. The news reports that the criminal spray-painted depictions of male genitalia on 27 cars parked in the staff parking lot.
Dylan Maxwell has stated his innocence but it is clear that few believe the high school's student. The case between Dylan and the school begins anew as another high school student begins to investigate the crime. Peter believes that Dylan is innocent and slowly begins to gather evidence, which will hopefully see Dylan back at school and graduating at the end of the year.
Netflix has announced that the series "American Vandal" will have eight episodes in total and is due to air on September 15.