Kailyn Lowry of "Teen Mom 2" has revealed the very first photos of baby Lo, her third child by her third baby daddy. Baby Lo, whose birth was hotly anticipated, arrived in the wee hours of August 5 after Kail had dubbed the pregnancy the "longest in the world." Before giving birth, the mom of three had her friends over, where they cooked and even did a mini workout to try and get Baby Lo to come. Finally, after what seemed like forever, Kail gave birth to her third baby boy after not knowing the gender until his delivery.
Baby Lo still doesn't have a name
Kailyn Lowry has been very candid about the fact that she was having trouble deciding on a name for Baby Lo. She has posted several Twitter surveys, though it seems most of her fans and followers don't actually like the names she has been thinking about for her child. While pondering names, she posted a law from Australia that stated that a mother had 60 days to officially register the name of the child, not realizing this was not the same law in the United States. It is unclear if she has actually named her child and is keeping the name a secret for a long while, or if she genuinely is still confused over what she should call her newest addition. A superstitious gender test found that the baby would be a girl, so it is possible she was not anticipating having a third boy.
He has his first official photoshoot
Kail's son made his debut in Radar Online, which is a bit ironic considering it was their rumors and constant stories in the press that pushed Kail to finally reveal that Chris Lopez was the father. After one too many stories stating that Kail didn't know who the father of her third child was, she finally tweeted who had fathered her child.
Many of her fans have found it tacky that Kailyn sold the first photos of her baby to a magazine, however, if she can cash in on the child's birth, she should be able to go for it.
In Baby Lo's first official photoshoot, he is photographed with his mother, as well as his two older brothers. Before releasing the photos to Radar Online, Kailyn took a few photos of the child's toes and put those on Snapchat as a tease.
Kail was also photographed leaving the hospital with her newest addition and the father of the baby, Chris Lopez. She carefully kept his face shielded from view by placing him in a carrier with a blanket over it so that no one would be able to catch a glimpse of him before she revealed the first official photos to the world.