Game of Thrones Season 7 finale premiered last night, giving away some big answers that the fans might have especially about Jon Snow. The episode’s title, “The Dragon and the Wolf,” was enough to indicate a union between Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow. What was also revealed is his actual name being “Aegon Targaryen,” and that he was not a bastard, thereby making him a rightful heir to the Iron Throne.

Jon Snow is not bastard

As pointed by Cinema Blend, it wasn’t like the fans didn’t know that Jon Snow wasn’t a bastard child. In the previous episode, a sequence between Gilly and his love interest confirmed the secret marriage between Snow’s biological parents, Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark.

Unaware of their real relationship, the season finale witnesses a blissful love-making scene between Jon and Daenerys. A few minutes of the episode have also been dedicated to Theon Greyjoy, wherein he shares a touching moment with Snow, and is finally seen standing up for what he believes in. He is then shown to be on his way towards freeing his sister from his uncle.

The Hound and The Mountain came face-to-face

A grand confrontational moment between The Hound and The Mountain also takes place. Herein, the Hound promises to kill his brother as he tells him, “You know who’s coming for you. You’ve always known.” The episode also marks the eventual death of Littlefinger aka Peter Baelish. Stark sisters, Sansa and Arya are finally seen reuniting after months of antagonism.

Cersie Lannister was seen giving in to the truce, but later, however, decided to betray them. Jaime, on the other hand, was quick to understand that there was no use expecting anything from Cersie. He is seen walking away from her to fulfill his pledge about fighting with Snow’s army against the White Walkers.

Winter is finally here

The episode finally concluded wherein the Night King was seen using now-zombified Viserion to break the massive Wall down. Coming back to Snow, he has now been declared the rightful heir to the Iron Throne. Being the legitimate son of Rhaegar Targaryen, he has more right over the ruling of Seven Kingdoms than Daenerys does.

Apart from this, “Aegon,” is believed to be a name given by Rhaegar as a belief that he is the “Prince that was Promised.” In other words, he might be Azor Ahair, the one who saves all. The book’s title would then be justified, as Snow would in the true sense be the “Song of Ice and Fire.”