Bryan Abasolo is engaged to Rachel Lindsay, and he can finally speak his mind now that their season of "The Bachelorette" is over. The finale entailed a difficult breakup between Rachel and runner-up, Peter Kraus. In the lead up to their split, it was plain to see that Peter couldn't envision himself getting married to Rachel. While he could see a future with her, he couldn't picture them as happily married at that time. Not only did the whole situation make Rachel cringe in watching the replay Monday night, it affected her fiance as well.
Rachel summed it up perfectly by deeming her end with Peter Kraus as a "frustrating breakup." She gave Peter every chance to say he wanted to propose to her, but he never relented.
She was confused over his words in "The Bachelorette" finale, trying to piece together what exactly his problem was if he loved her.
Winner unimpressed with runner-up
Bryan Abasolo tells Us Weekly that he was equally "frustrated" by Peter and didn't like the way he treated his fiancee. "The Bachelorette" winner shares that it was "tough to watch" Peter be so "wishy-washy" and uncommitted. With Abasolo knowing he himself was "totally invested" in Rachel, he didn't get how Kraus could tell her he's "in love with her" but not certain about putting a ring on it.
Peter also told Rachel that if he were to marry her, he'd want to be in it for life and hopefully not have to get married multiple times.
Does that sound like something a man would tell a woman he knows is the right one?
Several reports claimed prior to the finale that Rachel had a hard time choosing between Bryan Abasolo and Peter Kraus and that the break-up with her runner-up would be "brutal" -- one of the hardest in "Bachelorette" history. It turned out to be true.
Another report also claimed that Rachel told the runner-up not to contact her after their split, which was true.
Tense exchanges on "ATFR"
There were some tense moments on "After the Final Rose," as viewers witnessed. Rachel emphasized multiple times that she didn't think the "process was right" for Peter due to its fast-paced nature.
Peter, in turn, felt attacked on-stage, and Rachel wanted to know what exactly he was defensive about. When called on it, he felt put on the spot even more. In the end, the two wished each other well with their futures.
Do you relate to Bryan Abasolo in being frustrated with Peter Kraus over the way he handled things with Rachel Lindsay in the finale episode?