Big Brother 19” spoilers hint at some bad news for fans of Mark Jansen. In fact, the “BB19” jury house may have a new resident on Thursday night (August 24), making it more than just a hint at this point. Despite getting a chance to play for the Power of Veto and being able to avoid the backdoor strategy of Christmas Abbott, Mark isn’t going to survive another Eviction Ceremony.

At the August 24 Eviction Ceremony, Mark Jansen is expected to be unanimously voted out of the “BB19" house. This unsurprising revelation is the culmination of several weeks of planning by Paul Abrahamian, who continues to run this house and the people inside of it. Even when he is not making the calls as the Head of Household, Paul has had his hands in the last four evictions.

What did Mark do wrong this season?

The biggest mistake that Mark Jansen made was to align himself with Cody Nickson. Many early “Big Brother 19” spoilers pointed to a close relationship between Cody and Mark, setting up a possible power duo that could have made it far if only the showmances had stuck together.

Instead, Cody tried to evict Paul Abrahamian, turning the fan-favorite against him and everyone speaking to him. That included Mark.

There were other times where Mark was distracted by his showmances with Elena Davies, causing him to lose focus on what was taking place in the “BB19” house. He failed to see how people were starting to make moves against him and didn’t do a good enough job finding an alliance outside of the ones he had with Cody and Jessica Graf. Had he worked harder at fostering those alliances, he might still be a threat in the game.

Why didn’t other houseguests try to work with Mark?

As noted in prior “Big Brother 19” spoilers, the fault for the upcoming Mark Jansen eviction doesn’t fall entirely on him.

There are other houseguests who should be looking to break away from the primary alliance in the “BB19” house and Mark could have been the perfect person to team up with. He could have remained the primary target of a different alliance while helping them to survive in the game.

Once Mark Jansen gets evicted on Thursday night, there will be only eight people left in the game. The next targets are advertised as Raven Walton and Matt Clines, who should have tried to work with Mark and Elena Davies. Now that they have waited too long, it may be impossible for them to both survive Week 9 in the game. No fans should be surprised at all when the next round of “Big Brother 19” spoilers reveal that Matt and Raven have been nominated for eviction.