Although her first round of cancer medication is over, Ami Brown of the "Alaskan Bush People" feels that her end is nearing. But despite that, she remains hopeful because of her family.
Recently, the Browns moved from Alaska to Southern California where she undergoes chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The 53-year-old continues fighting for her life even after dropping to 89.4 lbs from her 128 lbs weight.
Ami fights cancer
The Brown matriarch only has three percent chance of survival which is excruciating for her family. Ami says that it is easy to give up because of her condition.
She even feels that it is her last days but in spite of that, she still has the will to fight. She added that if she worries about her illness, it will just get worse.
Ami said that everything hurts but she has faith in God. "You can’t give up. I tell people be happy. Just be happy. It’s a choice. Things can be hard and you just want to curl up but you have to shine," she said in an interview with People Magazine.
How the family is coping
Apparently, it is very hard for the family to accept the condition of Ami, but each of them is trying to be strong. Ami said that each one is handling her health crisis in a different way. However, her health condition made them stronger as a family.
She is also hoping that her seven children will remain strong and that they need to "strengthen their wings a little." Her children are all grown up and could handle their emotions well.
Her desire to inspire others
One reason why Ami wants to be filmed despite her condition is to send a message to other people. She said that there could be a lot of people who will be told they have cancer like her. Although it is scary, she wants to take away their fears by showing them how she is doing.
For Ami, being able to share her life with others through "Alaskan Bush People" is a blessing.
It could also inspire other people who are suffering from terminal illness to remain strong and to never lose hope.
Ami Brown was diagnosed with lung cancer back in June 2016. She said that she realized that something is wrong with her health when she felt a strong pain in her back. She would be bedridden for days mistaking it for arthritis.
The family discovered her cancer when she went to the dentist to get impressions made for her new teeth. The scan revealed a little capsule and it signaled her horrific battle with cancer.
In one of the episodes of "Alaskan Bush People," her husband Billy said that Ami doesn't want to be a burden, especially that she got used to taking away other's burdens. But with Ami's condition, it is time for him and his children to pay back and be there for her.