It will be only a couple more weeks before the finale of "The Bachelorette." Even so, rachel lindsay is impatient and wants to go public with her engagement. She acknowledges that it is getting harder and harder. She says she is tired of hiding the man she loves and the ring she can't wear right now.
According to PEOPLE, Rachel has gotten tired of keeping her fiancé’s identity a mystery. Therefore, the 32-year-old lawyer is counting down the days before they can come out as a couple and they can do things together.
Fiancé and engagement ring
Rachel says she is tired of doing things alone.
She says so many times she is doing something and she wishes her fiancé was with her so they could share things.
Rachel says she loves rings and wears a lot of them. Viewers have seen the many different rings she has worn on the reality show. She reveals that her Engagement Ring is especially beautiful. She is ready to wear it and show it off, but she has to wait a couple more weeks.
Who is Rachel engaged to?
On this week's episode, the three remaining men went to meet Rachel's family who grilled them about their intention. First Peter met the family, then Eric and finally Bryan. The family didn't seem overly impressed with any one of them. They frowned upon Peter saying he wanted to date Rachel but he was not ready to propose to her.
They asked Eric some important questions to find out if he is sincere about his intentions. A red flag went up when Bryan said he is exceptionally close to his mother. Kathy Lindsay, Rachel's mother, asked if a situation came up which one would he take sides with? Of course, Bryan said with his mouth that he would side with Rachel, but his body language indicated something else Television viewers know something Mrs.
Lindsay doesn't know. Bryan's last girlfriend broke up with him because she and his mother couldn't get along.
So, who do you think Rachel is engaged to? It doesn't appear to be Peter or Eric. Most people speculate that she is engaged to Bryan. Remember that it was Bryan who received the first impression rose. Also, he is the first one who kissed Rachel.
The only issue might be the close bond he has with his mother, and perhaps Rachel can get past that.
Rachel insists she is definitely very happily engaged and she can't wait for all secrets to come out. In just two weeks, the public will find out who that special someone is. Next week, the "Men Tell All" special will air and the men who were eliminated do have a lot to tell.