"Stranger Things" is one of the most hotly anticipated shows of 2017, and Netflix unveiled the show's second season's trailer with the cast and crew at Comic Con in San Diego this weekend. The sci-fi television show, which takes place in the 1980s, has its trailer scored to Michael Jackson's "Thriller" and fans who attended the panel were loving it.
Creators talk origins of the project
The creators of the Netflix show, "Stranger Things," Matt and Ross Duffer, explained that they wanted the show to feel like a really long Stephen King movie. The pair grew up reading his books and it was their ambition to direct a really long version of one of his famous books.
They describe the second season of the series as "bigger, darker and stronger" than the first season.
Actors on 'Stranger Things'
Millie Bobby Brown, who plays the pivotal character Eleven, told interviewers that although she loved the role, she found it incredibly challenging. What was difficult for her was the fact that she had relatively few lines, but was in the majority of the productions. As such, she had to be expressive with her face. She also says she didn't like crying while on set because she thinks of herself as a "happy person."
Millie Bobby Brown dished on her character to Variety.
"The first two episodes — I just fell in love with Eleven and Eleven was me. The only thing that was hard was crying.
I feel like I’m a happy person so that when I’m crying I would need five minutes to get in the zone. It’s hard to keep a straight face with teen boys, because they play pranks and tell a lot of jokes when I’m doing an emotional scene," she said.
New Additions
Of course the show will have new additions; one of which is Sadie Sink, who will portray an unknown role.
Thus far, it is only known that her character moved from California to Hawkins and will join the boys and Eleven at some point.
Fans of "Stranger Things" will be highly disappointed to learn that fan-favorite Barb won't actually be in the second season. The actress who plays her told the crowd at Comic Con that although she won't be appearing in the series anymore, there will be justice for Barb, something people have been clamoring for since she got kindapped into the Upside Down.
It's also been stated that Sheriff Hopper gets to do some "awesome sexy things" in the next season of "Stranger Things," but what exactly is meant by that is currently unknown.
So far, however, the first trailer has been a hit and has ensured lots of excitement for fans.