The young cast members of "Modern Family" received a pay raise from ABC following contract renegotiations. Sarah Hyland (Haley), Ariel Winter (Alex), Nolan Gould (Luke) and Rico Rodriguez (Manny) will earn more than $100,000 per episode for the show's next two seasons.
The contract renegotiations will keep the "Modern Family" original cast intact. According to Deadline, ABC also secured the show's older co-stars with a 40 percent salary increase each, putting their pay at nearly $500,000 per episode.
"Modern Family" will begin filming season 9 in the middle of August.
The network also already renewed the series for season 10 back in May. The show remains the second most highly-rated comedy series currently airing on television next to “The Big Bang Theory.”
Won’t the young cast members be off to college?
Ariel Winter, 19, who will enroll as a freshman at UCLA this fall, will still be active in the series since the show's Los Angeles set is near her school. The actress deferred her enrollment last year. She will reportedly be taking up political science.
Last season on “Modern Family” saw the graduation of Luke and Manny from high school. It remains to be seen what their storylines will be about this season, but the actors will also remain series regulars.
In real life, Nolan Gould, 18, applied to film school in February where he plans to learn documentary filmmaking.
The Mensa-certified actor finished high school at 13 and has been taking college courses online since, which hasn’t disrupted his schedule on the set.
Rico Rodriguez, 18, will defer college for a year like Ariel Winter. Hence he’s also committed to “Modern Family.” Sarah Hyland, 26, had pursued acting instead of college when she moved to Los Angeles several years ago.
What’s the truth about Sofia Vergara marital problems?
Meanwhile, "Modern Family" star Sofia Vergara (Gloria) addressed rumors that her marriage to Joe Manganiello is becoming problematic. The couple, who married in 2015, has been besieged with divorce rumors lately.
Speaking with E! News, Sofia Vergara said she doesn't make tabloid stories a concern.
But she did lash out at Star magazine in May for suggesting her marriage to Joe Manganiello is marred by cheating.
The actress called out the magazine for its fake news and poster a scathing message on her Instagram. ”The editor of this magazine is an idiot,” the star boldly said, adding that the editor purposely removed her wedding ring in the photos to sell the story.